Page 148 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                         The Office for Regulation of Electronic Communications   (USD67.2 million). The new licenses will be valid from
                         &  Postal  Services (Urad pre regulaciu elektronickych   1  September 2025  and  will  run  until  end-2045.  The
                         komunikacii  a  postovych sluzieb,  RU)  has  completed   regulator has not yet published the exact holdings and
                         its  auction of 5G-capable  spectrum in  the  3.5GHz   winning bids of the four auction participants: Orange,
        Slovakia         band (3410MHz-3800MHz). All four incumbent cellcos   O2, Slovak Telekom (ST) and SWAN/4ka.
                         won frequencies, paying  a total  of EUR63.61  million
                                                                        (May 6, 2022)

                         The  Post  and Telecom Agency (Post  & Telestyrelsen,   assess demand for wireless spectrum in the 700MHz,
                         PTS)  has  opened  applications  for its  auction  of   1500MHz and 26GHz/28GHz bands. The regulator says
                         900MHz,  2100MHz  and  2600MHz  licenses,  which is   that if there is sufficient operator demand for spectrum
                         being held next year. Applications for the sale are open   then  it  will  begin  work  on formulating a distribution
        Sweden           until 30 September 2022, with the auction due to start   plan. (May 12, 2022)
                         in September 2023. Current licenses in the three bands
                         expire in 2025. (June 15, 2022)  The  Swedish  Post  and  Telecom  Agency  (Post  &
                                                                        Telestyrelsen,  PTS)  has  opened  another  consultation
                         The  Swedish  Post  and  Telecom  Agency  (Post  &   into the proposed extension of licenses in the 2.6GHz
                         Telestyrelsen,  PTS) has  opened applications  for  its   band, enabling them to run for an additional two years
                         2022  broadband  support  scheme.  The  regulator   until end-2025. This would allow the regulator to auction
                         has  almost  SEK1.3  billion  (USD130  million)  funding   2.6GHz  licenses  along  with  those  for the  2100MHz
                         available  to distribute to operators looking  to deploy   and 900MHz bands. Under PTS proposals, the auction
                         broadband  infrastructure  in  rural  areas.  Networks   process for all three bands is due to get underway in
                         must provide connectivity at download rates of at least   September  2023,  with  permits  valid  from the  start  of
                         1Gbps.  Separately,  PTS  has  opened  an  analysis  to   2026. (April 27, 2022)

                         Swiss telecoms watchdog the Federal Communications   that must be offered by the universal service provider be
                         Commission  (ComCom) has  extended  the  universal   increased to 80Mbps/8Mbps (download/upload) from
                         service  license  of state-backed  incumbent  operator   its current 10Mbps/1Mbps. Swisscom’s current license
                         Swisscom for an additional year. In a statement from   due to expire at the end of 2022 but due to the ongoing
                         the watchdog, ComCom explained that the decision was   amendment  process  the  regulator noted  that  ‘there
        Switzerland      due to the ongoing amendment of the laws concerning   is  no stable  legal  basis  for reallocating  the  universal
                         the universal service for telecommunications, through   service license’. As such ComCom opted to extend the
                         which  the  Federal  Council  are  looking  to revise  the   current license, with no changes to the content of the
                         scope of the service. Specifically, in December 2021 the   license, until the end of 2023.
                         government proposed that the internet access speeds   (May 19, 2022)

                          The  telecoms regulator  Ofcom  is  consulting  on   conditions  to  protect  any  fixed  links  remaining
                          proposals  to  allow  satellite  operators  to  access   temporarily  in  the  band.  Ofcom’s  consultation  on this
                          more  spectrum so  they  can  provide  a  wider  range  of   matter will run until 31 August 2022. In a related matter,
                          broadband  services,  including  in  hard-to-reach  areas.   Ofcom has also announced that it has received license
        United            According to the watchdog, amid increased consumer   applications  from Starlink  for six  non-geostationary
                                                                        satellite  earth  stations.  Consideration  is  now being
                          demand for satellite services, it is seeking to support
        Kingdom           innovation  by extending  spectrum access  under its   given  to Starlink’s  submissions,  including  whether
                          Earth Station Network license to include the 14.25GHz-  they can coexist with other satellite systems in close
                          14.50GHz  band.  Ofcom  claims such a move  would   proximity, and any potential risks to competition. Ofcom
                          double  the  capacity  available  to  satellite  operators  in   has invited comments on the license applications by 19
                          the  Ku band  and  would support  improved  broadband   July 2022. (June 22, 2022)
                          services  for more  rural  premises.  Under  its  proposed
                          approach, Ofcom has  said  new  conditions  would be   Ofcom outlined  an  ambition  to  make  mmWave
                          introduced to protect existing  radio astronomy  sites   spectrum available to the UK’s mobile industry by 2024,
                          making observations in the 14.47GHz-14.50GHz band   as it launched a consultation on opening access to the
                          from interference. It also plans to introduce temporary   26GHz and 40GHz bands. In a statement, the regulator

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