Page 146 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                         Mavrovo and Rostushe); А1 Macedonia: А3 (723MHz-  November 2021, though the auction was subsequently
                         733MHz/778MHz-788MHz)  and  В2  (3.6GHz-3.7GHz);   cancelled  at  the  request  of the  Commission  for
                         and Telekom: А2 (713MHz-723MHz/768MHz-778MHz)   Protection of Competition. A new award process was
                         and В3 (3.7GHz-3.8GHz). The AEK launched the tender   initiated in April 2022. (June 6, 2022)
                         for the allocation of 5G-suitable spectrum at the end of

                         The Cabinet Council, which is headed by the President   Panama  has  already  declared  its  intention  to acquire
                         of the  Republic, Laurentino  Cortizo Cohen, has   new  AWS frequencies.  Speaking  during  the  group’s
                         approved  the  allocation  of additional  spectrum in  the   1Q22  earnings  call, Millicom  CEO  Mauricio Ramos
                         AWS band for mobile broadband use. As per Cabinet   commented: ‘The government of Panama has released
        Panama           Resolution  41-22  (dated  12  April  2022)  the  National   really reasonable prices [for] AWS spectrum, which we’ll
                         Public  Services  Authority  (Autoridad  Nacional  de
                                                                        be picking up. I think we’re in the process of buying it
                         los  Servicios Publicos, ASEP) has  set  the  price at   and acquiring it … Panama has historically had a really
                         PAB1,214,287  (USD1,214,287)  per MHz.  With  a total   good spectrum policy, which is parity of spectrum for
                         of 120MHz  of spectrum up for grabs, the  frequency   everybody.  And  we  think  that  is  a  really,  really  good
                         sale  could generate  up  to USD145.68  million.  (Note:   spectrum policy going forward. Predetermined prices,
                         25% of the funds generated will be used to support the   reasonable  prices, spectrum parity, so  quite  frankly
                         government’s  Universal  Access programmes.)  Tigo   that’s a good setup.’ (May 3, 2022)

                         The  Philippines’  Anti  Red  Tape Authority (ARTA) has   efforts  to  secure  a  toehold  in  the  mobile  broadband
                         overturned  its  earlier  ruling  and  in  the  process, set   market have been hindered for more than a decade, but
                         aside  the  ‘Declaration  of  Completeness  and  Order   the provisional authority covered rights to use 220MHz
                         of Automatic  Approval’  it  previously  issued  to NOW   of spectrum ranging from 1970MHz-1980MHz, paired
        Philippines      Telecom (NOW Network) and the telco’s sister company   with  2160MHz  to 2170MHz  and 3.6GHz  to 3.8GHz,
                         News  and  Entertainment  Network Corporation
                                                                        including 5G frequencies for mobile and fixed wireless
                         (Newsnet). Local press reports note that ARTA issued   broadband. An order of automatic approval was issued
                         two separate Resolutions on 17 June 2022, siding with   by ARTA on 1 March 2021. Subsequently, in April ARTA
                         the previous ruling handed down by the Department of   granted its approval for NOW Telecom’s application for
                         Justice (DOJ) on 9 July 2021 that has become ‘final and   an automatic extension of its mobile license permits,
                         executory  and  affirmed  the  authority  of  the  National   thus  paving  the  way for it  to offer mobile broadband
                         Telecommunication Commission  (NTC)  in  assigning   services  across  the  country.  However, the  country’s
                         and use of frequency’. On 31 March 2022 ARTA issued a   third telco DITO Telecommunity Corp, whose frequency
                         resolution throwing out a motion filed for reconsideration   was affected by ARTA’s earlier decision, reportedly filed
                         by the telecoms regulator and declared NOW Telecom’s   a  complaint  against  ARTA’s  original  decision  and  the
                         application for cellular mobile telephone system (CMTS)   anti-red tape body has now changed its decision.
                         provisional  authority as complete.  The  operator’s   (June 24, 2022)

                         The  Polish  government  is  trailing  a  new  method  of   The Polish telecoms regulator, the Office of Electronic
                         allocating  broadband  funding.  The  Prime  Minister’s   Communications  (Urzad  Komunikacji  Elektronicznej,
                         Office  for  Digitization  has  announced  four  tenders   UKE), has  opened  a consultation  regarding  the
                         which  will  be  open  to regional  authorities,  with  each   extension  of  the  2100MHz  spectrum license  held  by
        Poland           tender  providing  funding  of PLN5  million  (USD1.15   cellco Plus  (registered  as  Polkomtel).  According  to
                         million), which will account for up to 80% of the overall
                                                                        a  report  from,  Plus  submitted  an  application
                         cost of the project. The winning regional governments   on 14 December 2021 to extend its concession which
                         will then choose telcos to act as their rollout partners.   is set to expire at the end of this year. The operator is
                         Local authorities  will  be  selected  on their  plans  to   looking to use 29.6MHz of frequencies in the 2100MHz
                         improve connectivity and digital services in their own   range until 31 December 2037. The license renewal will
                         area. Applications are open until 27 June.     cost Plus PLN403.4 million (USD94.4 million). Poland’s
                         (May 24, 2022)                 other  cellcos  –  Orange,  Play  and T-Mobile  –  are  also
                                                                        looking to renew their 2100MHz concessions, with the

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