Page 140 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                          The  Indian  government  will  convert  debt  owed by   participation  in  the  auction  setting  out  the  finalized
                          Vodafone Idea  (Vi)  into equity in  the  troubled telco   conditions for the sale and whilst the updated rules for
                          before the commencement of the country’s multi-band   the tender have improved conditions for the interested
                          5G spectrum, which is scheduled to start on 26 July.   bidders (the removal of Spectrum Usage Charges [SUC]
        India             According  to the  Financial  Express,  the  timing  of the   and  easier  long-term  payment  options,  for example),
                                                                        several  concerns raised  by operators following the
                          move is designed to pave the way for the operator to
                          fully participate in the frequency sale. The conversion   publication  of the  initial  draft plans  have not been
                          of  debt  into  equity  will  be  done  under  Section  62  (4)   addressed. Of particular concern to operators was the
                          of the  Companies  Act. Vi  will  issue  shares  to the   suggestion that spectrum could allocated directly (i.e.
                          government  on  a  preferential  basis,  and  they  will  be   without  auction)  to businesses  for private  networks.
                          held  by  the  Department  of Investment  and  Public   Regarding the matter, the Economic Times writes that
                          Asset  Management  (DIPAM). After the  INR161.3   industry group the  Cellular  Operators Association  of
                          billion  (USD2.09 billion)  debt  is converted  into equity   India (COAI) last week warned the telecom minister that
                          the government will hold a 32% stake in Vi, while the   ‘any  move  to directly  allocate  spectrum to non-telco
                          stake of the company’s promoters, which includes UK’s   enterprises  would degrade  the  5G  services business
                          Vodafone Group and India’s Aditya Birla Group, will be   case for telcos and make CAPEX-intensive 5G network
                          diluted from the existing 75% to 50%. The government   rollouts meaningless for them’. Despite such protests
                          has  informed the  telco  that  the stake  will  be  treated   the DoT maintained its position and the NIA sets out
                          as  ‘public shareholding’  and  it  will  neither  participate   several  options  for Captive  Non-Public  Networks
                          in  the  management  of the  company, nor seek  board   (CNPNs), including the direct allocation of spectrum to
                          representation. (June 21, 2022)  enterprises, though details for such direct assignment
                                                                        will  be determined  at  a future date.  Meanwhile,
                          The  Indian  government  has  approved  plans  for the   operators had also requested further reductions in base
                          upcoming multi-band  5G  spectrum auction,  now set   prices for 5G spectrum to encourage bidding and free
                          to  take  place  in  late  July  this  year,  comprising  more   up  funds  for investment  in  infrastructure.  The  prices
                          than 72GHz of spectrum across the 600MHz, 700MHz,   recommended by  the  Telecom Regulatory  Authority
                          800MHz,  900MHz,  1800MHz,  2100MHz,  2300MHz,   of India (TRAI) and subsequently accepted by the DoT
                          3300MHz and 26GHz bands. The new licenses will be   represent a decrease of more than 30% – and around
                          valid for 20 years, and interested parties have until 8 July   40% for the coveted 700MHz range – compared to the
                          to submit applications with the auction due to begin on   last auction but telcos had requested that the reserve
                          26 July. The Department of Telecommunications (DoT)   prices be lowered further still.
                          has published a Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) for   (June 15, 2022)

                         New  spectrum  licensees  in  the  700MHz  and  3.6GHz   Telecom, Sure  and  BlueWave  all  bid  successfully  for
                         bands  are  set  to be  awarded  by the  Isle  of Man’s   a 1×100MHz block of 3.6GHz spectrum, with the last
                         Communications and  Utilities  Regulatory Authority   named paying marginally less for its new frequencies,
                         (CURA), it  has  announced. With  the  regulator having   GBP641,519,  versus  the  GBP651,519  that  Manx
        Isle of Man      previously  published  a  final  memorandum  on  its   Telecom and  Sure  will  each pay for  their  respective
                         plans for the sale of spectrum in these bands back in   allocations.  With  the  CURA  confirming  that  all  of  the
                         December 2021, it has now confirmed the conclusion of   licensees issued are technology neutral, it also revealed
                         the sale process, with three companies – Manx Telecom,   that  payment  for the  concessions  will  be  made over
                         Sure  (Isle  of Man)  and  BlueWave  Communications –   their 17-year duration. Of note, lower percentage fees
                         bagging  frequencies.  Both  Manx  Telecom and  Sure   will apply in the earlier years of the license period – 3%
                         successfully bid for 700MHz spectrum, with the former   of the total fee is payable in each of the first three years,
                         securing  both  a  2×15MHz  paired  block in  the  band   compared to 5% in  years four  to eight  and  8% in  the
                         (703MHz-718MHz/758MHz-773MHz)  and  a 10MHz    last four years of the license. According to CURA, this
                         block of supplementary downlink spectrum (748MHz-  distribution of license fee payments has been designed
                         758MHz), at a total cost of GBP499,884 (USD631,059).   to ‘incentivize the investment in new services during the
                         Sure, meanwhile,  has  agreed  to  pay GBP299,930  for   earlier parts of the license duration’.
                         a  2×15MHz  block  in  the  700MHz  band  (718MHz-  (May 30, 2022)
                         733MHz/773MHz-788MHz).     Meanwhile,   Manx

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