Page 142 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                         each request on an individual basis. Authorizations for   the border areas due to the necessity of coordinating
                         such private networks would be issued for four years   frequency planning with neighboring countries. ARKEP
                         with the right to renew after the expiry period. ARKEP   is  accepting  comments  on  its  proposals  until  1  July
                         notes  that  these  allocations  would  also  be  limited  in   2022. (June 1, 2022)

                         The  Lesotho Communications Authority  (LCA)  has   2021 in December last year. The LCA’s Chief Regulatory
                         announced that the country’s mobile phone users will   Officer,  Thato  Ponya,  said  the  exercise  is  aimed  at
                         be required to register their SIM cards with their service   reducing  crime committed using  mobile  phones.  The
                         provider  starting  from  24  June.  The  announcement   country  is  home to two mobile  network operators,
        Lesotho          follows the  publication  of the  Communications   namely  South  Africa-based  Vodacom  and  Econet
                         (Subscriber Identity Module Registration) Regulations,
                                                                        Telecom Lesotho (ETL). (May 19, 2022)

                         The   telecoms  watchdog  the  Communications  to submit  documents  for the  700MHz  auction  to 25
                         Regulatory Authority (Rysiu Reguliavimo Tarnyba, RRT)   March  2022.  Subsequently,  the  RRT  confirmed  that
                         has kicked off the auction of 5G mobile spectrum in the   the country’s three existing mobile networks operators
                         700MHz band. The  tender  comprises  the  sale  of one   – Bite  Lithuania,  Tele2  Lithuania and  Telia  Lietuva –
        Lithuania        2×10MHz  block (713MHz-723MHz/768MHz-778MHz)   had  all  registered to take part  in  the  tender. Winning
                                                                        bidders  are subject  to certain rollout and  service
                         and two lots  of 2×5MHz  (723MHz-728MHz/778MHz-
                         783MHz  and  728MHz-733MHz/783MHz-788MHz),     provision obligations, including a requirement to launch
                         with initial  prices  set  at EUR5 million  and EUR3   commercial 5G services in at least one of the country’s
                         million,  respectively. Spectrum  licenses  are  valid  for   five  largest  cities  (Vilnius,  Kaunas,  Klaipeda,  Siauliai
                         an  initial  period  of  20  years.  In  January  this  year  the   and Panevezys) within six months and to all five by 31
                         RRT postponed  the  deadline  for  interested  parties   December 2023. (May 25, 2022)

                         Malawi could see the launch of a third mobile network   population at the end of March 2022.
                         operator in  competition  with  Airtel  and  Telekom   (May 26, 2022)
                         Networks  Malawi  (TNM),  with  local  newspaper  The
                         Times  reporting  that  Nyasa  Mobile  has  announced   The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MA-
        Malawi           its intention to roll out services by the end of the year.   CRA) has officially launched the Universal Service Fund
                         According  to Nyasa  Mobile’s  Chairperson  Konrad
                                                                        (USF) Strategic Plan for the period 2022-2027. The five-
                         Buckle,  the  firm  has  been  in  discussions  with  UK-  year plan is set to promote the adoption of ICT services
                         based  Vodafone  Group about  a  potential  strategic   in rural and underserved areas of the country. The USF,
                         partnership. He said the pair have been assessing the   which is managed by MACRA, was established by the
                         telecoms industry and wanted to bring new and cheaper   Communications Act No. 34 of 2016 to promote univer-
                         services to Malawians. It is unconfirmed when Nyasa   sal access to communications services. In May 2018
                         Mobile, which is a subsidiary of Nyasa Manufacturing   MACRA launched a consultation with stakeholders on
                         Company,  received  its  mobile  operating  license.  The   a draft  framework regarding  the  USF and  the  follow-
                         numerous attempts by the government and the Malawi   ing year the Communications (Universal Service Fund)
                         Communications Regulatory Authority  (MACRA)  over   Rules, 2019 were published by the regulator. The USF
                         the last 20 years to introduce much-needed competition   will be used to offer subsidies on a competitive basis
                         to the mobile sector have so far failed. The market is   to licensees, in order to give them incentives to expand
                         characterized  by  high  tariffs  and  poor service  quality,   communications services to unserved and rural areas
                         with  mobile  penetration  standing  at  just  59%  of the   that are not economically viable.(May 23, 2022)

                         The  Malaysian Communications  and  Multimedia   they failed to meet broadband quality of service (QoS)
                         Committee (MCMC) has issued a set of quality compliance   standards, while it said the cellcos had also failed to
                         directives  to  domestic  mobile  network  operators   improve service quality in several identified areas in the
                         (MNOs) Celcom Axiata, Digi Telecommunications and   state of Langkawi, including the Langkawi Highway and
        Malaysia         U Mobile. In a press release regarding the matter, the   several tourist areas. With the three MNOs having now
                         regulator  confirmed  it  had  issued  the  directives  after
                                                                        been  directed to make the  necessary improvements
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