Page 145 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                         external  and independent  advice and will  present  a   with  Inmarsat  about facilitating  its  intended  move  to
                         government response before this summer. On the basis   Greece. Also, in the 3.5GHz band, as planned, 100MHz
                         of the advice, the Ministry of Economic Affairs will draw   (of a total possible 400MHz) will remain available for
                         up a new decision  to amend the  National  Frequency   ‘local wireless applications.
                         Plan (NFP) and in the meantime will continue to consult   (May 132, 2022)

                         The   telecommunications  subscribers  consumed  have insightful and evidenced-based facts to glean the
                         350,165 terabytes of data in 2021. This was disclosed   dynamics at  play and  ensure  the  continuous growth
                         by  the  Nigerian  Communications  Commission  (NCC)   of the  CIS segment  of the  telecom market. The  NCC
        Nigeria          in  its  2021  Subscriber/Network Data  Annual  Report   takes  this  issue as  priority in  view of the  critical role
                         released  today.  The  report  shows that  the  amount
                                                                        played by the  collocation and infrastructure sharing
                         of data  being  used  by an  average  Nigerian  increased   segment of the telecom ecosystem in ensuring robust
                         last  year.  According  to  the  data,  the  2021  figure  was   services. Already, the  Commission  has  engaged  the
                         a 68% increase compared with the 205,880 terabytes   services  of  Messrs.  Price  Waterhouse  Cooper (PwC),
                         consumed in  December 2020.  This  was in  spite  of   a  globally  renowned  consulting  firm,  to  conduct  the
                         an  8% decrease  in  internet  subscriptions  in  the  year.   study  on its  behalf,  in  exercise  of NCC’s  regulatory
                         Affected by the directive from NCC in December 2020 to   functions as provided in the Nigerian Communications
                         all GSM Operators to suspend the sale and registration   Act (NCA), 2003. The study is expected to be concluded
                         of new  SIMs,  SIM  swaps,  and  all  porting  activities,   between  April  and  July,  2022.  Speaking  at  the  NCC’s
                         subscriptions for internet decreased from 154.3 million   stakeholders’  forum  recently  organized in  Lagos on
                         as of December 2020 to 141.9 million as of December   the  commencement  of the  study, the  Director, Policy,
                         2021. The increase in the volume of data consumption   Competition  and  Economy  Analysis  (PCEA)  at  NCC,
                         by the  subscribers, however, covered the  network   Yetunde Akinloye, who represented the Executive Vice
                         operators in terms of revenue. This is reflected in the   Chairman of the Commission (EVC), Prof. Umar Garba
                         2021  financial  results  of  two  of  the  leading  network   Danbatta,  said  the  forum  was organized  to intimate
                         operators, MTN  and  Airtel,  which  showed  a  surge  in   operators in the CIS segment of the telecom market on
                         earnings  from  data.  MTN, for  instance,  recorded  55%   the study. (May 9, 2022)
                         increase in data revenue for the year as it raked in N516
                         from its internet customers. Airtel Nigeria also raked in   The  Nigerian  Communications Commission  (NCC)
                         N304 billion as data revenue for the year, representing a   has  confirmed  that  the  winners  of  last  December’s
                         41.1% increase. The two operators acknowledged that   3.5GHz  spectrum auction, MTN  Nigeria  and  Mafab
                         their 4G expansion across the country was the driving   Communications,  have  each  been  officially  issued
                         force for the increase in data usage by their customers.   with  their  spectrum licenses.  In  line  with  the  terms
                         (June 16, 2022)               and conditions of the concessions, the companies are
                                                                        expected to commence the rollout of their 5G networks
                         The  Nigerian  Communications Commission  (NCC)   from 24 August. MTN and Mafab each paid USD273.6
                         has  commenced the  process of conducting a study   million for one lot of 100MHz TDD spectrum by the 24
                         to assess  the  current  level  of  competition  in  the   February 2022  deadline.  Following the  conclusion of
                         collocation and  infrastructure  sharing  (CIS)  segment   the assignment stage, MTN selected spectrum in the
                         of the  Nigerian  telecommunications  sector.  Seventy-  3500MHz-3600MHz  band  for an  additional  USD15.9
                         eight  licensees  are  currently  operating  in  that  market   million, and the second lot (3700MHz-3800MHz) was
                         segment.  The  study  is  to enable  the  Commission to   assigned to Mafab. (May 6, 2022)

                         Three  companies – Neotel,  A1  Makedonia  and   valid  for  15  years  (extendable  for  another  five  years
                         Makedonski  Telekom  (Telekom)  –  have  submitted   afterwards).    Neotel  requested  blocks  В41,  В44,  В45
                         letters  of interest  (LoI)  to the  Agency for Electronic   and В46 suitable for fixed services in regions 1 (Skopije,
        North            Communications (AEK) in regards to the forthcoming   Ilinden,  Petrovets,  Zelenikovo, Studenichani,  Sopishte,
                                                                        Chucher Sandevo and Arachinovo), 4  (Bitola, Prilep,
                         auction for  5G  spectrum.  The  agency published  the
        Macedonia        results  from a  public  hearing  and  position  paper   Demir Hisar, Krushevo, Dolneni, Krivogashtani, Mogila,
                         regarding its intention to conduct the tender, saying that   Novaci and Resen), 5 (Ohrid, Struga, Debarca, Vevchani,
                         as the EoI are less/equal to the number of blocks on   Kichevo, M. Brod, Drugovo, Zajac, Oslomej, Vraneshtica,
                         offer, it will proceed with issuing spectrum concessions   Plasnica,  Debar  and  Centar  Jupa)  and  6  (Tetovo,
                         based  on the  requests.  The  authorizations  will  be   Gostivar, Tearce, Jegunovce, Jelino, Brvenica, Bogovinje,

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