Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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                         of annual gross revenue for a ‘Virtual Internet Service   for Ethiopia (GPE), a  private consortium comprising
                         (VISP)  License’;  and  USD1,500  per  year  plus  0.5%  of   Safaricom,  Vodafone  Group,  Vodacom  Group,  CDC
                         annual gross revenue for a ‘Telecommunications Value   Group and Sumitomo Corporation, as the winning bidder
                         Added Service License’. (May 30, 2023)  for one of two nationwide concessions that it had put
                                                                        up  for  grabs.  The  process  to  issue  a  second  license
                         Ethiopia will  launch  a  tender  for a  new international   was  initiated  on  28  September  2021,  but  suspended
                         telecoms  license  in  June,  said  Balcha  Reba,  Director   on 22 December 2021. Newcomer Safaricom Ethiopia
                         General  of the  Ethiopian  Communication  Authority   went on to stage a full commercial launch in October
                         (ECA). ‘We have planned to launch the tender in June.   2022, breaking Ethio Telecom’s monopoly on the sector.
                         More details will  be released  when  we approach  the   Running in parallel, in November 2022 the MoF issued
                         launch  date,’  Reba  informed  the  news  agency  via   an EoI for the partial privatization of Ethio Telecom.
                         a  text  message.  In  May  2021  Ethiopia’s  Ministry  of   (May 23, 2023)
                         Finance (MoF) and the ECA named Global Partnership

                         The  Ministry  of  Transport  and  Communications   operators to maintain their 2G infrastructure; currently
                         (Liikenne-  ja  viestintaministerio,  MoTC)  has  called   the concessions held by DNA, Elisa and Telia Finland
                         for comments from interested parties  on matters  to   for  900MHz  and  1800MHz  spectrum  require  that  2G
                         be  considered  in its review of the  license  terms for   networks  cover  99%  of  the  population  in  mainland
        Finland          2G networks. Specifically, the Ministry has requested   Finland. A deadline of 31 July 2023 has been set for
                         views on whether the Ts&Cs should continue to oblige
                                                                        submissions. (June 3, 2023) www.

                         The telecoms regulator Arcep has revealed the results   certain commitments. Arcep is now scheduled to hold
                         of its main auction for spectrum in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz   a second ‘positioning’ auction to determine the final al-
                         bands in the French  overseas territory  (departement   locations in the two COMs. (Jun 9, 2023)
                         d’outre-mer, DOM) of French Guiana and the French over-
        France           seas collectivities (collectivites d’outre-mer, or COMs)   The telecoms regulator Arcep has informed the pub-
                         of Saint Barthelemy and Saint-Martin. Regarding French
                                                                        lic that it is currently examining three amendments to
                         Guiana, a total of four blocks with predetermined po-  the January 2014 network sharing agreement between
                         sitions were available for allocation: Block 1 (50MHz),   Bouygues Telecom and SFR, inviting all interested par-
                         Blocks  2  and  3  (60MHz)  and  Block  4  (70MHz).  Free   ties  to  submit  their  comments  by  26  May  2023.  The
                         Mobile  won  Block  1  (3480MHz-3530MHz)  for  EUR0,   amendments – which comprise the expansion of the
                         while  Digicel  secured  Block  2  (3530MHz-3590MHz)   existing network sharing deal to include 5G and a new
                         for EUR10,082 (USD10,832). Orange walked away with   increase in  shared network density with  the addition
                         Block  3  (3670MHz-3730MHz)  for  EUR10,000,  while   of new cell sites – were submitted for approval to the
                         SFR agreed to pay EUR710,114 for Block 4 (3730MHz-  regulator in January 2023. The original deal was inked
                         3800MHz). Regarding Saint-Barthelemy and Saint-Mar-  in January 2014 for a period of 20 years and initially
                         tin, the regulator will award a total of 100MHz of 3.4GHz-  pertained to 2G/3G/4G networks over a large portion
                         3.8GHz spectrum each to Dauphin Telecom, Digicel and   of Metropolitan France, with a temporary 4G roaming
                         Orange, while Free will receive 80MHz in the band. The   solution.  Bouygues  Telecom  and  SFR  amended  their
                         firms will be awarded 50MHz (30MHz for Free) initially   agreement in 2016 to include a trajectory for gradually
                         as part of the main allocation procedure, with an addi-  phasing out 4G roaming by the end of 2018.
                         tional 50MHz to be distributed to each operator against   (May 9, 2023)

                         The  Ministry  of  Transport  and  Communications   operators to maintain their 2G infrastructure; currently
                         (Liikenne-  ja  viestintaministerio,  MoTC)  has  called   the concessions held by DNA, Elisa and Telia Finland
                         for comments from interested parties  on matters  to   for  900MHz  and  1800MHz  spectrum  require  that  2G
                         be  considered  in its review of the  license  terms for   networks  cover  99%  of  the  population  in  mainland
        Ghana            2G networks. Specifically, the Ministry has requested   Finland. A deadline of 31 July 2023 has been set for
                         views on whether the Ts&Cs should continue to oblige
                                                                        submissions. (June 3, 2023) www.

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