Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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        same period of the previous year, exceeding 517 thousand km.”   of TRABIS, consumers can only apply for and renew their domain
        made  statements.  Karagözoğlu  said,  “The  first  legal  regulation   name  through  “Registration  Agencies”  authorized  by  the  BTK,
        regarding  internet  domain  names  in  Turkey  was  enacted  in   except in obligatory cases. Currently, 19 companies are authorized
        2008 with the Electronic Communications Law (EHK) numbered   as Registrars. In addition, the ICTA, without prejudice to the right
        5809 and the duty and responsibility of determining the policies   of the complainants to apply to the court in order to mediate the
        regarding internet domain names was  given to the Ministry  of   disputes arising from the domain names, will be responsible for
        Transport  and  Infrastructure.  With  the  Internet  Domain  Names   the conflict resolution mechanism to be applied in the resolution
        Regulation, BTK has been authorized to carry out the works and   of the disputes regarding the domain names with the ".tr" country
        transactions related to the registration of domain names with the   code extension, and TRABIS, through 2 institutions authorized as
        ".tr" extension, to establish and operate TRABIS, or to ensure the   the Dispute Resolution Service Provider. Since then, more than 150
        establishment and operation of TRABIS to a third party within the   disputes have been resolved.” made statements.
        framework  of the  procedures  and principles  determined  by  the   (May 9, 2023)
        Ministry.  President Karagözoğlu said, “With the commissioning

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  Telecommunications  and  Digital  Government  Regulatory   The report showed a steady increase in the number of visitors
        Authority (TDRA) released ‘ 2022... Figures and Facts’ Report,   to the portal, as the number of visitors approached 19 million in
        which sheds light on the great success story of the portal since its   2022, with more than 30 million visits. visitors came mainly
        launch, as the interface of the UAE Government official presence,   from the UAE. During the last five years, more than 35.6 million
        and the main reference for government information and services.   visitors from the UAE visited the portal, while India came second
        The  report  includes  milestones,  figures,  results  and  indicators   with 4.67 million visitors in the same period, and the Kingdom
        related to the portal's performance and the level of its popularity   of Saudi Arabia third with 2.72 million visitors. As for the most
        locally and globally. Moreover, the report highlights the journey of   popular  pages,  the page  of applications  for entry permits and, which was launched in 2001, starting with its establishment   visas and their validity came at the top of the list, as the average
        as a static site under the name of (, through the   time spent by the visitor browsing this page was 4:16 minutes.
        stage of the  interactive site based  on an open-source  content   Travel to the UAE page came second with an average visit time of
        management system, to the stage of the one-letter domain (,   4:07 minutes, and the Emirates ID page came third with an average
        which  is  the  shortest  domain  name  in  the  world.  Commenting   visit time of 3:51 minutes. According to the report, English came
        on the report, H.E. Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, TDRA Director   as  the  most  used  language  with  48.8  million  visitors,  followed
        General, said: “The UAE Government official portal ( is the   by Arabic with 8.13 million visitors, then French with 1.18 million
        UAE interface online, and an interface of its digital presence. We   visitors, then German, Russian and Chinese. The report showed
        are pleased with the results achieved by the portal in terms of the   the inclusion of 2,630 digital services on the portal, provided by
        level of visits, searches and browsing. We are also pleased with   221 federal and local government entities. consists of four
        the  comments  and suggestions  received  from the  portal users   main sections, including the information and services section, the
        that have contributed over time to developing it and improving   UAE section, the E-Participation section, and the media section.
        its performance in line with international best practice.” H.E. Al   The information and services section addresses many topics such
        Mesmar added: “TDRA’s team works tirelessly on developing the   as work, investment, tourism, infrastructure and visa, in addition
        portal and aligning it with the higher national directions, manly 'We   to a complete list of all government services in the country. The
        the UAE 2031' vision with its four pillars related to government,   second section covers the history of the UAE in different eras, as
        society, economy and international relations. We developed the   well as the plans and strategies of the UAE to foresee the future and
        portal based on our role as an enabler of the digital government,   achieve comprehensive development. This section also covers the
        and on our strategic goal to enhance  the digital lifestyle in   country's efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
        line with the directives of the wise leadership by making digital   set by the United Nations. The E-Participation section lists the
        transformation a path to creating a happy and sustainable future   channels of communication with the UAE Government, as well as
        in  the  UAE.”  reflects  the  best  international  experiences,   platforms for consultation, instant chat, and others.
        such as the customers' journey, adopting the latest international   (May 23, 2023)
        standards and choosing the best content management system.

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