Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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                         India’s  Department  of  Telecommunications  (DoT)   INR1.5 trillion (USD18.97 billion) on frequencies in the
                         is  planning to seek approval  from the Committee  of   700MHz,  800MHz,  1800MHz,  2100MHz,  3.5GHz  and
                         Secretaries (CoS) regarding the inclusion of a number   26GHz bands. (Jun 7, 2023)
                         of  unused spectrum  bands in  its  next 5G  spectrum
        India            auction.  A  DoT  official  with knowledge  of  the  matter   Sector  watchdog  the  Telecom  Regulatory  Authority
                         told  the  Economic  Times  that  the  DoT  is  keen  to
                                                                        of India (TRAI) has published its recommendation on
                         incorporate  the  3.7GHz-4.2GHz  band,  the  L-band   the methodology of applying Spectrum Usage Charges
                         (1427MHz-1518MHz),  the  470MHz-582MHz  band   (SUC) in cases of spectrum sharing. The Department
                         and 37GHz millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies in   of Telecommunications (DoT) had asked the TRAI to
                         its planned spectrum sale. ‘The mid-band is ideal for   reconsider its position that an incremental SUC of 0.5%
                         5G services and in the last sale, the spectrum in the   should be levied only on the specific spectrum  band
                         3.3GHz [band] was bought by all three telcos,’ a DoT   being shared. The DoT’s view is that the 0.5% increment
                         official said on condition of anonymity. As per reports   should be applied to the weighted average rate of SUC,
                         last month, India’s next spectrum auction is earmarked   based  on  a  cellco’s  entire  spectrum  holdings.  In  its
                         to take place in January/February 2024. The process   response to the DoT, the TRAI maintained its position,
                         will coincide with the expiration of certain Bharti Airtel   referring  back to arguments  it had made previously,
                         and  Vodafone  Idea  (Vi)  licenses  in  circles  such  as   notably  that  if  the  DoT’s  interpretation  is  used  ‘the
                         West Bengal, Assam, Bihar and Odisha. The country’s   cost of spectrum sharing could surpass the benefits
                         previous multi-band spectrum auction took place in the   achieved by the TSPs’. The TRAI added that there is ‘no
                         summer of 2022. Reliance Jio Infocomm (Jio), Bharti   rationale’ for incrementing the weighted average SUC.
                         Airtel,  Vi  and  Adani  Data  Networks  spent  a  total  of   (May 3, 2023)

                          The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI,   Government Regulation Number 46 of 2021 concerning
                          aka  KemKominfo)  has  reviewed a  joint  application   Post,  Telecommunications  and  Broadcasting,  a
                          submitted  by  two  of  Indonesia’s  mobile  network   thorough evaluation has been carried out in accordance
                          operators (MNOs), Telkomsel (Telekomunikasi Selular)   with the provisions stipulated in the said Government
        Indonesia         and  Smart  Telecom  (Smartfren),  allowing  for  the   Regulation as well as a number of provisions contained
                                                                        in  the  Minister  of  Communication  and  Information
                          transfer  of  certain  frequencies  in  the  2.3GHz  radio
                          frequency  band  from  the  former  to  the  latter.  The   Regulation Number 7 of 2021 regarding the Use of the
                          Minister of Communication and Informatics, Johnny G   Radio Frequency Spectrum,’ he explained, adding that on
                          Plate, reportedly approved the transfer last week after   the basis of the outcome of the review KemKominfo had
                          evaluating the application. ‘According to regulations, it   approved the transfer of Telkomsel’s part of the rights
                          is possible for telecommunications network operators   to use the radio frequency spectrum in the 2.3GHz radio
                          holding  Radio  Frequency  Band  Permits  (IPFR)  to   frequency band to Smartfren (effective 18 April 2023).
                          transfer the right to use radio frequency  spectrum   The official noted that in approving the joint application,
                          to  other  telecommunications  network  operators,’   KemKominfo has optimized the 2.3GHz band ‘because
                          said  Director of Resources Management at  the   the width of the bandwidth becomes uniform nationally
                          Directorate General of  Resources and  Equipment  of   in all service areas for both cellular MNOs using radio
                          Post  and  Information  Technology  of  the  Ministry  of   frequency band 2.3GHz referred to’.
                          Communication  and  Informatics,  Denny  Setiawan.   (May 3, 2023)
                          ‘Following  up  on  the  provisions  in  Article  57  of

                          The  Commission  for  Communications  Regulation   VDSL-based  fixed  broadband  subscriptions  declined
                          (ComReg) has published its ‘Quarterly Key Data Report’   by  4.3%  to  513,916,  while  subscriptions  using  xDSL
                          for the three months ended 31 March 2023. Among the   technology  fell  by  6.6%,  to  109,457.  Alongside  the
                          main findings in the report, the watchdog highlighted the   uptick in fiber-based subscriptions, the regulator noted
        Ireland           continuing trend towards fiber-based fixed broadband   a  continued  increase in the number of subscriptions
                                                                        signed up to a higher speed service. According to its
                          services,  noting  that  ‘for  the  first-time  fiber-to-the-
                          premises (FTTP) is now the most commonly purchased   data, just over 59% of all fixed broadband subscriptions
                          broadband technology in Ireland’. With fixed broadband   in the country  were for a  service offering  downlink
                          subscriptions having increased by 1.9% year-on-year, to   speeds of 100Mbps or greater at the end of Q1 2023, up
                          1.618 million as of 31 March 2023, ComReg reported   from 51.6% a year earlier, while 34.2% of subscriptions
                          that FTTP-based subscriptions represented over a third   were for a 500Mbps or faster service (1Q22: 22.2%).
                          of that total – 537,244, up 34.8% y-o-y. By comparison,   (Jun 16, 2023)

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