Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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                         that promote the long-term interests of consumers over   wide range, and the variation would not commit NBN
                         its duration, due to limitations in the processes under   Co to providing  suitable measures to assist  retailers
                         which  those  terms  of  access  are  periodically  reset.   with this residual cost uncertainty. NBN Co submitted
                         Meanwhile, it also noted that it considered the proposal   a revised SAU variation back in November 2022, having
                         would require revenue allowances from 1 July 2032 ‘that   withdrawn an  earlier proposal in  July that  year  after
                         would not create incentives for a regulated entity to act   a consultation by the ACCC had identified ‘a range of
                         efficiently’.  Further,  the  Commission  also  considered   potential  issues’  with  the  initial  plans.  Note  that  the
                         that NBN Co’s proposed access terms for the first three   SAU provides a framework for the economic regulation
                         years following acceptance of the variation would ‘pose   of the National Broadband Network (NBN) until 2040
                         risks to efficiency and competition’. According to the   and includes rules for setting the maximum prices and
                         regulator, this is because the cost of services supplied   service standards that NBN broadband providers can
                         using the standard wholesale offer would fall over a very   expect to receive. (May 2, 2023)

                         The  Utilities  Regulation  and  Competition  Authority   connectivity is more important than 5G availability for
                         (URCA) has launched a public consultation regarding   end users and public sector participants, especially in
                         5G  in  the  Bahamas.  The  consultation  follows  a   the Family Islands where reliable connectivity has been
                         stakeholder  engagement  exercise  in 2022, which   a challenge since Hurricane Dorian in 2019. In addition,
        Bahamas          involved dialogue with a number of sector-specific focus   it is believed that current mobile and fixed broadband
                         groups, as well as incumbent operators the Bahamas   services  are  considered  sufficient  to  meet  prevailing
                         Telecommunications Company (BTC), Cable Bahamas   demand for connectivity in the Bahamas. At present, the
                         Limited (CBL) and ALIV. The first wave of stakeholder   watchdog believes there is ‘limited established demand’
                         feedback suggested that the provision of basic internet   for 5G services. (May 12, 2023)

                         The  National  Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia   2025.  The  debt-wracked  telco  closed  out  December
                         Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has opened the   2022 with 7.771 million fixed voice subscriptions, down
                         process to evaluate the forfeiture of Oi’s fixed switched   from 8.651 million one year earlier, and a peak of 21.293
                         telephone services (servicos de telefonia fixa comutada,   million at end-2009. (May 19, 2023)
        Brazil           STFC) concession. The review of the licensing situation   The  Board  of  Directors  at  Brazil’s  National
                         commenced on 8 May and was prompted by Oi’s failure to
                         fulfil certain universal service and backhaul obligations   Telecommunications  Agency  (Agencia  Nacional  de
                         by December 2022. By ceasing to be a concessionaire,   Telecomunicacoes,  Anatel)  has  approved  a  number
                         the cash-strapped telco would have more freedom to   of extensions for spectrum licenses held by the likes
                         seek an investor to assume its debts  and take over   of Claro Brasil, TIM Brasil, Telefonica Brasil (Vivo) and
                         its operations  without  having to adhere to the  strict   Algar Telecom. The decisions were rubber-stamped by
                         regulatory  obligations  connected  to  the  concession.   the watchdog on 28 April and published in the Official
                         However, forfeiture of the STFC license is one of several   Gazette on 2 May. While the precise spectrum blocks
                         regulatory options on the table. Oi could be allowed to   vary depending on location, all 1900MHz and 2100MHz
                         migrate to an authorization licensing model, meaning   licenses  are  now  valid  until  30  April  2038,  while  the
                         an end to the arbitration process. Alternatively, the STFC   1800MHz concessions will run until 22 December 2032.
                         regime could be ended by government decree. Oi is the   In  addition,  Anatel  rejected  Vivo’s  request  to  extend
                         STFC  concessionaire  responsible  for  Regions  I  and   its right to use 900MHz spectrum. As per the official
                         II, which include all Brazilian states except Sao Paulo   documentation, the operator ‘did not meet the technical
                         and the Distrito Federal (DF). The company’s current   conditions necessary for granting its request’.
                         concession  agreements  are  valid  until  31  December   (May 3, 2023)

                         The  President  Luis  Arce  Catacora  has  announced   million in 2021 to BOB539 million in 2022. The Bolivian
                         that state telco  Entel is preparing  to launch  5G   government issued a decree in May 2008 ordering the
                         technology  to  coincide  with  the  15th  anniversary  of   renationalization of the telco. Prior to that Entel was
                         its  renationalization,  which is  being  celebrated  this   50.9%-owned  by  Euro  Telecom  International  (ETI),
        Bolivia          month.  The  telco  has  also  disclosed  its  financial   itself owned by Telecom Italia, via the holding company
                                                                        International Communication Holding (ICH).
                         results for 2022. Entel’s net income reached BOB4.561
                         billion (USD644.1 million) in 2022, up from BOB4.413   (May 7, 2023)
                         million in 2021, while net profit increased from BOB519
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