Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 124


                         Tigo Guatemala successfully bid on the largest amount   The   Superintendence   of   Telecommunications
                         of  2.5GHz-2.6GHz  spectrum  in  the  frequency  sale   (Superintendencia  de  Telecomunicaciones,  SIT)  will
                         held  by  the  Superintendence  of  Telecommunications   stage an auction of unused frequencies in the 2.5GHz-
                         (Superintendencia  de  Telecomunicaciones,  SIT)  on   2.6GHz  range  on  2  June.  Interested  parties  have
        Guatemala        Friday 2 June. According to TeleSemana, the auction   until  19  May  to  register  their  interest  in  joining  the
                         raised a total of USD48.947 million, of which 75% will
                                                                        bidding process. The process is expected to generate
                         be  allocated  towards  connectivity  projects.  A  total   between  USD30  million  and  USD50  million,  and  75%
                         of  126MHz  of  spectrum  went  under  the  hammer,   of the proceeds will be allocated towards connectivity
                         comprising frequencies in the 2500MHz-2550MHz and   projects. The SIT first disclosed plans to auction the
                         2604MHz-2680MHz bands. As per the report, Tigo paid   spectrum in September 2022, after receiving a number
                         a  total  of  USD32.236  million  to  acquire  the  rights  to   of requests  from local mobile operators  Claro and
                         the spectrum in Blocks B to H, while Tigo’s sole mobile   Tigo. At that time Comunicaciones Celulares (as Claro
                         rival, Claro Guatemala, paid USD16.711 million for the   is  legally  known)  applied  for  34  of  the  48  available
                         spectrum included in Blocks A and A´.          regional  spectrum  blocks,  while  Telecomunicaciones
                         (June 5, 2023)            de Guatemala (Tigo) applied for just five blocks, with a
                                                                        focus on larger spectrum allocations.
                                                                        (May 10, 2023)

                         The Communications Authority (CA) laid out plans to   incumbent  MNOs  and  new  entrants.  The  spectrum
                         reassign  a  total  of  110MHz  of  4G  and  5G  spectrum   utilization  fee  (SUF)  will  be  determined  by  auction,
                         across  two  bands  by  holding  an  auction  in  2024.  In   with reserve prices to be specified nearer the time of
                         a  statement, CA explained  current assignments  of   the auction. Spectrum assignees will have a choice to
        Hong Kong        20MHz of spectrum in the 850MHz to 900MHz band,   pay the SUF upfront or through 15 annual instalments,
                         and 90MHz in the 2.3GHz band are set to expire in May
                                                                        with 2.5 per cent interest added each year. Assignees
                         2026 and March 2027, respectively. It plans a “market-  will be required to provide a minimum coverage of 90
                         based approach” for reassignment. The 20MHz in the   per cent of the population within five years. Details of
                         850MHz to 900MHz band will be divided into two paired   the reassignment were determined following a public
                         frequency blocks of 2x5MHz each. A spectrum cap of   consultation conducted between November 2022 and
                         10MHz will be imposed. The 90MHz of 2.3GHz spectrum   January 2023. Hong Kong’s last spectrum action was
                         will  be  split  into  nine  10MHz  blocks,  with  a  50MHz   held  in  October  2021  and  generated  HKD1.9  billion
                         spectrum cap. All blocks have 15-year terms. CA noted   ($242  million)  from  the  sale  of  255MHz  of  spectrum
                         spectrum will be auctioned together in a simultaneous   across four bands.
                         multiple round ascending format. The sale is open to   (May 3, 2023)

                         The  National  Media  &  Infocommunications  Authority   two  lots  (2×56MHz,  total  112MHz).  Note  that  CETIN
                         (Nemzeti  Media-  es  Hirkozlesi  Hatosag,  NMHH)  has   is the infrastructure-owning sister company of Yettel
                         announced  the results of  the auction of  spectrum   Hungary; the Yettel fights closely for second place with
                         licenses  in  the  32GHz  frequency  band,  with  all   Vodafone  in  the  Hungarian  mobile  network  operator
        Hungary          three  participating  companies  –  Magyar  Telekom,   market in terms of subscriptions, behind clear leader
                                                                        Magyar Telekom. The NMHH has underlined that the
                         Vodafone Hungary and CETIN Hungary – winning 15-
                         year  concessions  with  total  bids  of  HUF970  million   allocation  of  the  currently-unused  32GHz  spectrum
                         (USD2.79  million).  Bidding  closed  on  23  May,  after   contributes to the scheduled clearance of the 26GHz
                         initial offers were submitted on 13 March and second-  band – currently used for carrier network services –
                         round bidding opened on 25 April. Of the 24 duplex lots   and the subsequent reallocation of 26GHz frequencies
                         (each 2×28MHz) of frequencies offered by the NMHH,   for 5G purposes. The 26GHz mmWave spectrum band
                         18 lots were awarded in contiguous blocks as follows:   has  increasingly featured in  the  5G  license  auction
                         Vodafone won ten lots (2×280MHz, or total spectrum   strategies of countries worldwide.
                         of 560MHz); Magyar Telekom successfully bid for six   (May 26, 2023)
                         lots  (2×168MHz,  total  336MHz);  and  CETIN  acquired

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