Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 126


                           Italy's Industry Ministry is studying a set of measures   its ability to fund investments needed to upgrade their
                          worth around 1.5 billion euros ($1.65 billion) to support   infrastructure. Under the draft, details of which were not
                          battered domestic telecoms firms, a draft decree seen   previously fully disclosed, the ministry proposes to cut
                          by Reuters showed. Italy's telecoms sector has been   levies weighing on energy bills paid by firms deemed by
        Italy             grappling with cut-throat price competition which has   the state to be of strategic importance, including telcos,
                          put margins under pressure in recent years, dampening
                                                                        for three years until 2025. (May 19, 2023)

                         Macau’s Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT)   months later. The territory’s two other mobile operators,
                         says that more than 20% of the territory’s population   Hutchison 3 and SmarTone, did not acquire 5G licenses
                         are now  using 5G mobile  services, six  months after   when they were made available last year. CTM said that
                         their launch. The first 5G network was switched on by   at launch its entire mobile network was 5G-capable.
        Macau            Companhia  de  Telecomunicacoes  de  Macau  (CTM)   (May 19, 2023)
                         in  November,  followed  by  China  Telecom  Macau  two

                         The  Malaysian  Communications  and  Multimedia   coverage. In a statement confirming the government’s
                         Commission  (MCMC) claims to have exceeded  the   plans,  Communications  Minister Fahmi Fadzil was
                         initial targets set out under  the action  plan of the   cited  as  saying:  ‘This  model  also  takes  into  account
                         first  phase  of  the  Jalinan  Digital  Negara  (JENDELA)   the sustainability of the telecommunications industry
        Malaysia         program.  According  to  the  MCMC  the  first  phase   ecosystem  in Malaysia  thus ending  the monopoly
                                                                        element that is often associated with DNB.’ Response
                         achieved:  the  passing  of  7.74  million  premises  with
                         gigabit speed  broadband  connectivity, compared to   to  the development has  been  largely positive  from
                         a  target  of  7.5  million;  the  extension  of  4G  coverage   local cellcos,  with CelcomDigi  – the  enlarged  entity
                         to 96.92% of populated areas, broadly in line with the   formed  following  last  year’s  merger  of  Celcom
                         target of 96.90%; boosting average mobile broadband   Axiata  and  Digi  Telecommunications  –  issuing  a
                         speeds to 116Mbps, against a target of 35Mbps; and   press release welcoming  the decision,  given ‘the
                         the provision of fixed wireless broadband via satellite   opportunity  [it  provides]  to  play  a  more  active  and
                         connectivity to 839 locations. Looking ahead, a second   direct  role  in  the  country’s  5G  implementation’.  A
                         phase of the JENDELA program is now expected to get   similar statement was issued by Maxis, which remains
                         underway later this year and will focus on extending   the only one of the country’s incumbent cellcos yet to
                         access to broadband service for the remaining 3% of   begin  providing  5G  services  via  DNB’s  network.  The
                         the  population  not  currently  covered.  In  addition,  the   company said  it  was  ‘committed  to  working closely
                         next phase will look to extend gigabit access for fixed   with the industry to accelerate 5G for the nation in
                         broadband to a total of nine million premises nationwide.   line  with  the  Government’s  digital  ambitions’,  adding
                         Meanwhile, at a press briefing regarding the end of the   that when the second 5G network is rolled out it ‘looks
                         first phase of the JENDELA program, the MCMC’s COO   forward to playing a more direct role in the country’s
                         Dato’ Mohd Ali Hanafiah Mohd Yunus revealed that 5G   5G implementation leveraging its expertise, resources
                         uptake remains relatively low, despite coverage having   and existing infrastructure’. For its part, U Mobile said it
                         now reached 59.5% for the network being rolled out by   ‘[shared] the belief that the upcoming shift in 5G network
                         Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB). According to statements   model would increase efficiencies and also encourage
                         made by the executive, there are currently around 1.2   greater adoption for both consumers and enterprises’.
                         million 5G subscriptions in Malaysia, translating to an   In a related development, meanwhile, Celcom and Digi
                         adoption rate of around 3.1%.                  Telecommunications have terminated their respective
                         (June 2, 2023)                 share subscription agreement (SSA) with DNB, effective
                         The government has confirmed that it is to allow the   3  May  2023.  According  to  a  filing  lodged  with  Bursa
                         deployment of a  second  5G network in the country   Malaysia by CelcomDigi, the termination was made ‘as
                         from  next  year,  subject  to  Digital  Nasional  Berhad   the long stop date to fulfil all the conditions precedent
                         (DNB)  –  the  company  currently  tasked  with  the   under the SSA has lapsed’. (May 4, 2023)
                         rollout of the technology – achieving 80% population

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