Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         Argentina’s multi-band 5G spectrum auction is expected   the  following  frequency  bands:  1427MHz-1518MHz
                         to be held in June this year, after a series of delays.   (1500MHz   band);   1770MHz-1780MHz/2170MHz-
                         The new timeline was revealed by Gustavo Lopez, vice   2180MHz (AWS-3 band); 2300MHz-2400MHz (2.3GHz
                         president  of the National Communications  Agency   band); 3.3GHz-3.6GHz (3.5GHz); 24.25GHz-25.75GHz
        Argentina        (Ente Nacional  de  Comunicaciones,  ENACOM), who   (26GHz band); and 37GHz-43.5GHz (38GHz band). As
                         was speaking at the Internet Day event in Buenos Aires   per government projections, the auction could raise as
                         this week. Mr. Lopez said: ‘The political will is to do it as   much as USD1.4 billion.
                         soon as possible.’ The 5G auction is expected to include   (May 18, 2023) BNAmericas

                         The Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) has   agreed to pay AMD2.250 billion (USD5.53 million) for
                         announced that, upon completion of a tender process   their licenses – the term period of each has not been
                         for  licensing  700MHz  and  800MHz  spectrum  for  5G   disclosed  –  plus  an  annual  usage  fee  of  AMD1.176
                         services, it has granted permits to two Armenian mobile   billion. Having completed the licensing process, PSRC
        Armenia          network operators (MNOs). In a press release (dated   states  that  by  2025  a  5G mobile  broadband  network
                         8  May),  the  telecoms  regulator  confirmed  that  Team   must be launched in major cities across the Republic,
                         Telecom Armenia was declared the winner of 2×20MHz   including Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor, ‘mainly with
                         of  spectrum  in  the  700MHz  band,  and  MTS  Armenia   the introduction of Internet of Things (IoT) technology’.
                         (Viva-MTS) was the winner of the 2×10MHz segment   (May 9, 2023)
                         offered in the 800MHz range. Each company reportedly

                         An  increasing  number  of  residential  fixed  broadband   market  share is  broken out by  the ACCC –increased
                         subscriptions  are for a  service offering  downlink   its  slice  of  the  pie  to  its  highest  ever  level,  7.5%.
                         speeds  of 25Mbps, the Australian Competition  and   Other providers, led by the likes of Aussie Broadband,
                         Consumer  Commission  (ACCC)  has  reported.  In   Superloop and Southern Phone, also continued to grow
        Australia        publishing  its  most  recent  quarterly  ‘NBN  Wholesale   their market shares it said, accounting for a combined
                         Market  Indicators  Report’,  the  watchdog  noted  that   15.4% of the market as of end-March 2023.
                         the number of residential subscriptions for a 25Mbps   (Jun 13, 2023)
                         service  had  increased  by  125,000  in  the  first  three
                         months of this year to reach around 1.4 million, or 16%   Following  what  it  termed  ‘a  thorough  assessment’
                         of the NBN wholesale market, as of 31 March 2023. By   which had been ‘informed by constructive and extensive
                         comparison,  while the ACCC  noted  that the 50Mbps   engagement  with  NBN  Co,  Retail  Service  Providers,
                         speed tier remained the most popular – accounting for   consumer representatives and other stakeholders’, the
                         52% of the market – subscriptions to this level of service   Australian Competition  and Consumer  Commission
                         had declined by 99,000 in the first quarter of 2023, to   (ACCC)  has  rejected  NBN  Co’s  proposed  variation  to
                         just over 4.5 million. According to the regulator, such   its Special Access Undertaking (SAU). Announcing the
                         declines were ‘likely due to the removal of wholesale   publication of its draft decision related to the matter,
                         discounts last year’. At the top end of the speed scale,   ACCC  Commissioner  Anna  Brakey  said:  ‘The  ACCC
                         meanwhile,  it highlighted  the  increase  in uptake for   can only decide to accept or reject NBN Co’s variation
                         plans offering downlink speeds of 250Mbps or higher,   proposal, and our draft decision today is to reject this
                         with  subscriptions  increasing  by  25,000  in  Q1  2023   proposal.  However,  in  making  our  decision,  we  have
                         to reach 198,000, or around 2% of the NBN wholesale   identified a number of aspects of it that reflect issues
                         market.  With  regards  to  market  shares,  the  ACCC’s   raised in the ongoing industry consultation process and
                         report showed that subscriptions for the largest three   which represent a significant improvement on the current
                         access providers – Telstra, TPG and Optus – continued   SAU  and  earlier  variation  proposals.’  The  executive
                         to decline, dropping by 58,000 services collectively, or   added:  ‘We  have  also  outlined  some  specific  issues
                         0.9%, reducing their market shares to 42.0%, 22.0% and   NBN Co could address to accelerate the pathway to an
                         13.1%,  respectively,  at  the  end  of  1Q23.  By  contrast,   acceptable variation.’ The ACCC said it was not satisfied
                         Vocus – the only other operator for which an individual   that the proposed variation would result in access terms

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