Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 117


                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST)   and frequency bands for broadcasting services.  Moreover, CST
        invites the public  to  submit their input on the “Regulations  of   is keen on supporting the broadcasting sector’s development by
        Radio Spectrum Use for Broadcasting Services” document. The   enhancing the utilization of its allocated spectrum and following
        regulations are aimed to regulate the use of radio spectrum for   the best global practices. Therefore, CST developed this regulatory
        audio and television broadcasting, foster its emerging technologies,   document  to ensure spectrum  availability  for broadcasting
        and increase the efficiency of spectrum use in the broadcasting   services,  alignment with the international  standards to protect
        services. Additionally, CST highlights that the document covers   broadcasting applications from harmful interference and promote
        the main regulatory aspects  of spectrum  use  in broadcasting   innovative spectrum management and emerging technologies.
        services.  Most  notably,  the  regulations  include  the  spectrum   (May 17, 2023)
        licensing process, international obligations, technical conditions

                                                                                                     Sri Lanka

        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Commission  (TRCSL)   an update on the long-running saga to introduce fixed number
        has  revealed  that  the  country’s  recently  appointed  central   portability (FNP) and mobile number portability (MNP), when he
        clearinghouse,  Lanka  Number  Portability  Services (LNPS), has   revealed that a new company ‘Lanka Portability’ had been created
        opened  the tender process  for ‘the supply, installation, testing,   to act as the central company to handle it, and that all domestic
        and commission’ of number portability (NP) on the island. Back in   service providers have a stake in it.
        November 2022 Bharti Airtel Lanka CEO Ashish Chandra provided   (May 4, 2023)


        Tunisia is planning for the commercial launch of 5G services in   fast  connectivity,  reduced  latency and  increased capacity,  thus
        2024 and will set out a detailed roadmap for the introduction of the   opening the way to new possibilities and applications, especially
        technology in the next few weeks, said Minister Communication   those related to IoT and connected objects in general. It will inspire
        Technologies Nizar Ben Neji. The official highlighted the importance   us to redefine the boundaries of technological development and
        of the technology to the country’s digital strategy, noting: ‘[5G] will   will be a key catalyst for innovation and technological progress in
        guarantee a very significant increase in speed. It promises ultra-  all fields.’ (May 10, 2023) Agence Ecofin


        The  Middle  East  DNS  Forum  was  organized  by  the  Internet   are important, and said, “As of the end of 2022, the number of
        Assigned Names and Numbers Corporation (ICANN) at Wyndham   fixed line subscribers will reach approximately 11.2 million and
        Grand Istanbul. Ömer Abdullah Karagözoğlu, Head of Information   the number of mobile subscribers to approximately 90.3 million.
        Technologies and Communications Authority, attended the event,   reached. Looking at the broadband data, there are 90.6 million
        which was organized to provide information about DNS-related   broadband internet subscribers in total, of which approximately 19
        issues and new developments in technologies. Speaking at the   million are fixed subscribers and 71.7 million mobiles. The number
        event,  President  Karagözoğlu  stated  that  the  internet  makes   of internet subscribers increased by 2.8% compared to the same
        significant  contributions  to  sustainable  growth,  innovation  and   period of the previous year. In terms of fiber infrastructure, fiber
        development and that some statistics on internet usage in Turkey   length  increased  by  9.8%  at  the  end  of  2022  compared  to  the

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