Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 114



        Jordan intends  to issue an international  tender  in July for the   to establish a comprehensive and worldwide internet network.
        operation  of  its  new  fiber-optic  telecommunication  network.   (May 28, 2023)
        The Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ministry is preparing
        documents for the tender which will target global network operators,   The  government  is  set  to  launch  a  unified  digital  platform
        the Arabic language daily Alghad said, quoting an unnamed Ministry   to serve  as  a  hub  for electronic  participation and interaction
        official. The Ministry will invite bids from competent companies as   between  government  institutions  and citizens,  according  to a
        the government has almost completed the construction of a fiber-  well-informed government source in the IT sector. Through this
        optic network that will link more than 3,000 public establishments   platform, the government aims to optimize the electronic tools
        throughout the Kingdom, the paper said. “The international tender   to  bolster community participation, notably in  the legislative
        will be issued next month…it involves the commercial operation   process, governmental decision-making, and the enhancement of
        and  maintenance  of  the  new  network,”  it  said.  Operators  will   public services to better meet their needs, the source said. The
        also assist the government in improving telecommunication and   source added that the platform's objectives also include fostering
        information technology infrastructure, encouraging investment in   transparency,  confidence,  improving  information  quality  and
        related projects, and expanding network coverage to all of Jordan   facilitating accessibility. It was revealed that a tender has been
        besides possible connection with other networks in the region, it   issued to initiate the implementation of this project. Efforts are
        added. (June 13, 2023)                   currently underway to finalize the tender process and commence
                                                               the construction of the platform. It is projected that the platform's
        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Commission  (TRC)  said   initial trial version will be ready within the next six months. The
        they received an application from a company seeking a license   source highlighted three key focal points of the platform, designed
        to  provide  satellite  internet  service  in  the  Kingdom.  The  TRC   to  encourage  citizen engagement  with  the government  in an
        has  confirmed  that  the  application  is  currently  under  review.   electronic manner. Firstly, there is the electronic consultation aspect
        According to the TRC, the legislation and instructions governing its   “E-Consultation”, which entails conducting public consultations
        framework already allow for the issuance of licenses for "satellite   to  gather  opinions from relevant  stakeholders  and interested
        internet" services in Jordan. Bassam AlSarhan, chairman of the   parties  regarding  government  initiatives.  By  consolidating  all
        Board at TRC, stated that submitting a license application does not   public consultations on this platform, it eliminates the need for
        guarantee the immediate availability of the service. The process of   each institution to individually publish them on their respective
        providing satellite internet service is contingent upon obtaining the   websites and social media pages. The source further emphasized
        license. AlSarhan further explained that due to Jordan's diverse   that the platform will  also include  a second  element,  where
        geography,  exploring alternatives for mobile communication   citizens can actively participate in the decision-making process
        services is crucial. Satellite communication, he added, serves as   through electronic means. The “E-Decision Making” component
        a complementary solution in areas where traditional towers are   aims  to  involve  beneficiaries  in  shaping  government  decisions,
        restricted, such as the tourism region of Wadi Rum, where towers are   as it allows citizens to contribute to decisions pertaining to the
        prohibited to preserve the natural landscape. On October 31, 2022,   availability of public services or to participate in political decision-
        AlSarhan announced the successful trial conducted by SpaceX in   making. Proposals could be presented to parliamentary councils
        launching satellite internet services using low Earth orbit satellites.   and the Cabinet, allowing the government to study and share the
        The experiment demonstrated impressive data download speeds,   results with the community or incorporate them in governmental
        ranging from 100 to 367 megabytes. SpaceX, a leading company   priorities.  The  platform  will  feature  a  third  component  focused
        in internet service provision, operates a constellation of satellites   on open  government data  and  electronic  information  sharing
        designed for global internet coverage. SpaceX's Starlink network   “E-Information” to provide information in a user-friendly format,
        currently consists of over 3,000 satellites, with plans to deploy tens   ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all citizens.
        of thousands more in low-Earth orbits. These satellites, working in   (May 24, 2023)
        conjunction with terrestrial transmitting and receiving devices, aim


        The head of Libya’s Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid   reports.  With  years  of  military  conflict  and  political  divisions
        Dbeibeh,  has  approved  the  country’s  National  Strategy  for  the   having  damaged  the  country’s  telecoms  infrastructure  and
        Communications and Informatics Sector 2023-2027, Libya Herald   disrupted network modernization and expansion efforts, the prime

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