Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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        Artificial Intelligence              For  CSPs, this  growth is  going to drive   At the early stages of IoT adoption, mobile
        As with  cloud,  AI is  a meta-trend  that   demand  from end  customers for IoT  ca-  operators  filled  the  conventional  role  of
        is  shaping  all  forms of technology   pabilities.  Based  on  IoT  2020  report,  39%   connectivity  provider by adding  LPWA
        innovation.  Analytics  and  Machine  of enterprises plan to support 5G for their   technologies  (i.e., NB-IoT, LoRa).  With
        Learning  in  particular will  be  vital  to IoT   IoT projects before 2021. Supporting fast-  the promise of 5G on the horizon, mobile
        in several ways. One will be for efficiently   er  throughput,  lower latency,  and  high   operators saw new doors opening to take
        processing  massive volumes of data   volumes of data, 5G makes IoT attractive   an  expanded  role  within  the  value  chain.
        in  real  time, and  another  would  be  the   across a range of sectors that CSPs would   This  would entail  a shift  from solely
        learning and continuous improvement that   not  otherwise  have  anything  to  offer. 5G   focusing  on  connectivity  to  enabling
        will  make  IoT  applications  more  valuable   can and will easily support industrial auto-  new capabilities  such as  billing,  device
        for  enterprise customers.  These  new   mation with IoT—and with the right partner   management,  and  providing  end-to-end
        value-added  applications  mean that,  for   ecosystem, CSPs  will  soon  offer similar   IoT solutions for diverse vertical markets.
        the CSP player, AI could be a key vector of   solutions in many industrial settings.
        IoT monetization.                                                        Evolving into New Roles
                                             iSIM/eSIM                           Getting  beyond  connectivity  requires
           Supporting  faster  throu-        This brings the focus down from large to   CSPs  to take  a more  strategic approach
                                             small, where device-level technology plays
                                                                                 for  the  new value chain  that  comes with
           ghput,  lower  latency, and       a distinct role in  driving IoT adoption.   IoT. Connectivity  is  foundational,  and
           high  volumes  of  data, 5G       These  two innovations  – Integrated   supports  existing  business  models,  but

           makes IoT attractive across       and  Embedded  SIM  -  address  the   new revenues will only come by moving up
                                                                                 the IoT value chain. Above connectivity are
                                             shortcomings of legacy SIM technology,
           a wide range of sectors that      at least related to IoT. First is form factor,   two  layers  of  new value  that  CSPs  could
           CSPs would not otherwise          and  being  smaller, they can support  a   provide, and each would require a distinct
                                             broader range of IoT devices, and hence a
           have anything  to offer. 5G       wider range of applications that CSPs can
           can and will easily support       monetize. Secondly, they are less  costly,   Horizontal  strategy. CSPs  would build  on
           industrial  automation  with      making  it  easier  to justify  large-scale  IoT   top of their  connectivity  and  offer a suite
                                                                                 of services, such as handset management,
                                             deployments. For CSPs, however, this adds
           IoT—and  with  the  right         some risk, as this reduces the barriers to   end-to-end  application  management,  data
           partner ecosystem.                churn than with legacy SIMs – all the more   monitoring, analysis and visualization, and
                                             reason to differentiate with IoT.
                                                                                 convergent billing. Since all IoT customers
                                                                                 require  these  capabilities,  this  horizontal
                                                                                 layer  can  scale  cost-effectively, and
                                                                                 help  CSPs  transition  from connectivity
                                                                                 providers to service enablers.
                                                                                 Vertical  strategy.  This  takes  CSPs  to
                                                                                 the  top of the  value  chain  by  offering
                                                                                 tailored solutions  to support these
                                                                                 verticals,  such as  consultancy services
                                                                                 and  integration  expertise.  This is  where
                                                                                 partner  ecosystems  drive  the  new value
                                                                                 since CSPs lack vertical market expertise.
                                                                                 The  requirements  at  this  level are more
                                                                                 complex, but the  returns  will be  more
        5G                                   Expanding  the  Mobile  Operator’s   lucrative as the CSP takes on yet another
        While  5G  is  not  a  necessary  condition  Role Beyond Connectivity    role, that of the service creator.
        for IoT, the  adoption  of IoT will  drive   Shifting from the technologies to the CSPs,
        investment  decisions  in  5G.  While  costly   the  IoT  opportunity  can only  be  realized   CSP Value Chain Opportunity with IoT
        to build, these networks will drive the next   by  taking  on  an  expanded  role  with  end   In  terms of a broader strategy, CSPs  can
        generation for IoT applications, especially   customers. We  have  already  established   enter the IoT space backstage, so to speak,
        as both businesses and end users become   that  IoT presents  new opportunities  for   and based on each opportunity, decide how
        more mobile-centric. As the forecast   mobile carriers,  but the  space is  rapidly   much of the value chain they want to own.
        below from  Markets  and Markets  shows,   evolving, and so too must their role.  This largely depends on how far their IoT
        the 5G IoT market will grow nine-fold from
        2020  to  2025,  reaching  $6.3B  US, and  to
        capitalize  on  that,  CSPs  will  need  an  IoT

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