Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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are endless. Everyday examples include digital transformation gaps and needs of how these enabling technologies can drive
smart cities, smart homes, and smart cars end customers, they will be able to fine- IoT closer to realizing its potential. Each of
– as well as smart factories, smart offices, tune the partner ecosystem needed for the following technologies enable IoT in a
smart hospitals, etc. IoT. Unlike the analogue world, where distinct way, and collectively build a strong
technologies were largely static, digital case for CSPs to make this a cornerstone
Regardless of how far along the digital transformation is always evolving, which for growth.
transformation journey end customers are, means this ecosystem will be dynamic.
there is opportunity for CSPs. The key is Connectivity
to identify where the gaps are for them to With IoT, CSPs will be on a journey The more connected devices and people
automate, and then show the benefits that of their own, where the partner mix become, the greater utility IoT will have.
will come when applying IoT. Enterprises constantly evolves to address the ever- Falling cost curves for connectivity,
have plenty of reasons to automate via changing automation opportunities as combined with ever-faster broadband
digital transformation - but with IoT, CSPs end customers digitally transform. This networks provides the ideal engine for
can convert those reasons into tangible symbiotic relationship between IoT and making IoT ubiquitous, which in turn, will
benefits. digital transformation is powerful and will give rise to new use cases as more “things”
be a key success driver for CSPs. are connected. These trends are expected
As CSPs come to better understand the to continue, and for CSPs, the time for
Digital Transformation Drives Automation, entry should be now while the market is
Excessive hype in the and IoT Drives Revenues: Growth not saturated. Furthermore, most current
early days of IoT set Opportunity for CSPs IoT applications can be supported by 4G
networks, so there’s no need for CSPs to
unrealistic expectations 5 Technology Drivers for IoT wait for 5G.
that have held back Adoption Cloud
Excessive hype in the early days of
adoption until enabling IoT set unrealistic expectations that This is the dominant force driving all
technologies became have held back adoption until enabling forms of technology evolution, and it’s
a key driver for IoT. Cloud provides the
more mature. IoT itself is technologies became more mature. IoT scale IoT needs to connect tens of billions
itself is not a technology, but the goal of
not a technology, but the hyperconnectivity provides a focus around of “things”, along with economics to
goal of hyperconnectivity which these technologies could move support profitable business models. For
CSPs, cloud enables agility, which will be
provides a focus around essential as end customer needs evolve,
which these technologies CSPs would be well aware of this history, but and new ecosystem partners are needed
to support them.
they must also recognize that the tipping
could move towards. point has been reached now in terms of