Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 73


        Ukraine Starts Harmonization Of Legislation To Join EU Free Roaming Zone

        The  Ukraine-EU  Association  Committee  in  Trade  Configuration   Electronic Communications, Radio Frequency Spectrum & Postal
        has completed official procedures for amending the Association   Services  (NCEC)  announced.  The  next  step  is  harmonization  of
        Agreement  to  enable  Ukraine  to  join  the  EU mobile  ‘roam like   Ukrainian laws with EU legislation on international roaming, with
        home’ zone, Ukraine’s National Commission for State Regulation of   the country expected to join the roaming zone in 2024.

        Vodafone and MTN Expand Roaming Partnership

        Vodafone Ghana  has  announced  an  expansion  of its  national
        roaming service partnership with MTN to improve connectivity for
        customers throughout the  country.  The  initiative,  which initially
        began with a pilot program last year covering the Volta Region, has
        now been extended to cover the entire nation. The agreement is part
        of a wider plan by the Ghanaian government to facilitate universal
        access  and  accelerate  the  country’s  digital  transformation  by
        implementing a full national roaming regime among all operators in
        the country. Glo, the country’s smallest mobile network operator by
        subscriptions, entered a nationwide roaming agreement with rival
        AirtelTigo in April 2022 in a bid to provide wider coverage and a
        faster mobile broadband experience for its customers. Welcoming
        the  expanded  agreement,  Vodafone Ghana  CEO  Patricia  Obo-  government,  the  regulator,  and  MTN  Ghana  to  pilot  the  national
        Nai said: ‘National roaming offers customers a greater choice of   roaming  service  in  the  Volta  Region.  We  are  excited  that  this
        network providers. In 2022, we successfully collaborated with the   partnership has extended to other regions.’

        Senegal Reveals National Roaming Plan

        Senegal’s  telecoms  regulator announced  plans  to  introduce   end of April to determine whether operators have achieved prior
        national  roaming  between  operators  to  bolster  coverage  in  the   coverage  targets, stipulated  in  mobile licenses.  Sall  said:  “We
        country. Karim Sall, Director General of L’Autorite de Regulation des   will measure obligation by obligation the level of achievement or
        Telecommunications et des Postes, ARTP) told news agency APS,   the  level  of respect of these  obligations  by the  operators”.  The
        talks are underway between Orange, Free and Expresso Telecom   announcement follows President Macky Sall calling on the Ministry
        to lay the necessary framework for the agreements. The Director   of Telecommunications and Digital Economy to bolster efforts to
        General  also  revealed  an  assessment  would take  place  at  the   achieve nationwide coverage sooner, reported CommsUpdate.

        IFT Permits CFE to Offer Wholesale Services

        The  Federal  Telecommunications Institute  (Instituto Federal de   Electricity Commission  (Comision  Federal  de  Electricidad, CFE)
        Telecomunicaciones, IFT) has granted state utility firm the Federal   permission  to lease  network capacity, infrastructure and
                                                               telecommunications  services  to  authorized  companies  as  a
                                                               wholesale  operator. As per the  3  March 2023  decision,  the  CFE
                                                               may  not  directly  offer  services  to end users.  Further, conditions
                                                               have been established for the CFE to comply with the principle of
                                                               neutrality  to competition  and  non-discriminatory treatment.  The
                                                               watchdog hopes the measure will encourage operators to leverage
                                                               the  infrastructure to extend  coverage to underserved locations
                                                               across Mexico.

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