Page 70 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 70


        SAMENA TRENDS:                       Yerli:                              operating system atop a virtual twin reality,
        What are some of the ways that cities are   When you look at cities, major opportunity   connected to the physical  city itself,  as
        using  digital  twins to enable  intelligent   lies in building an infrastructure based on   a platform. The city can lay out zones for
        services?                            the digital twin paradigm, what we call the   certain things and say, OK, here you can do
                                             virtual  twin  reality.  These  cities  have  the   advertisements,  here  you can do gaming,
                                             opportunity to build entire  operations as an   here  you  can  create,  then  developers  can

                                                                                                  70  MARCH-APRIL 2023
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75