Page 68 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 68


        SAMENA TRENDS:                       Yerli:                               escapisms  transforming into a much
        Let’s talk about the transition from the 2D   We’re looking  at  three  major  disruptions   more  seamless,  interoperable  and  asset
        informational  web  to  the  3D  immersive   that are going to happen:    ownership-based  entertainment  world.
        future  of  Web3,  digital  twins  and  smart                             This  is  where  the  future of entertainment
        cities.  What is  a  digital  twin and, does it   First,  it’s  entertainment’s  evolution  as   lies  in  the metaverse. Second,  we have
        have anything to do with the Metaverse?  influenced by gaming and different siloed   realities  extending  from physical  realities

                                                                                                  68  MARCH-APRIL 2023
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73