Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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        Astrocast  and  Yahsat's  Thuraya  Strengthen  Collaboration  Through  a

        Strategic Investment in LEO IoT

        Astrocast, a  leading  global  nanosatellite
        IoT network operator announced that  the
        company  has  concluded  Heads of  Terms
        for an investment agreement with Thuraya
        Telecommunications Company, the mobile
        satellite  services  subsidiary  of the  UAE’s
        flagship satellite solutions provider, Al Yah
        Satellite Communications Company PJSC,
        the  UAE’s  flagship  satellite  solutions  pro-  overall IoT market is projected to grow at   Through  this  agreement,  we  are  commit-
        vider listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Ex-  a CAGR of 22% over the next four years to   ted to enabling innovative solutions in the
        change. The transaction will be in the form   US$ 525 billion and the satellite IoT busi-  Maritime, Energy, Logistics, Transportation,
        of a convertible loan valued at US$17.5 mil-  ness is forecasted to generate cumulative   Mining  and  Agriculture  industries,”  said
        lion  and  marks  Thuraya’s  first  investment   revenues of US$ 6 billion over the same pe-  Ali Al Hashemi, Group Chief Executive Of-
        in a LEO satellite constellation. As part of   riod. The strategic transaction with Astro-  ficer of Yahsat. "We are delighted to have
        the agreement, both parties will also look to   cast  represents  a  compelling  opportunity   secured  this  agreement  with  Thuraya, as
        extend a technical cooperation agreement   for  Thuraya  to increase  its  exposure  to a   we anticipate  their  support  and  expertise
        for  another four years that  was originally   fast-growing sector that is still significant-  in guaranteeing Astrocast's success in the
        entered between Astrocast and Thuraya in   ly under-penetrated and has a long runway   low-power  narrowband  IoT  market  in  the
        2019. Astrocast operates a leading global   for growth.  "We  look  forward  to  working   future.  Our partnership  with  Thuraya  has
        nanosatellite IoT network with a focus on   together  with  Astrocast to execute this   been solid for the past four years, and their
        enabling low power wide area connectivity   strategic  investment  which highlights  our   continuous support is incredibly important
        solutions across core industries including   continued  belief in  the  outsized  impact   to us. In addition, collaborating on creating
        Transportation & logistics, Oil & Gas, Utili-  of the IoT sector for the space and satel-  new products and applications  and  lever-
        ties, Mining, Forestry, Agriculture, and Mar-  lite  industries.  We  are  pleased  to further   aging the Thuraya distribution network will
        itime. The agreement with Astrocast aims   strengthen our relationship with Astrocast   expedite  the  expansion  of our customer
        to  strengthen Thuraya’s  positioning  in  the   as  we  mutually  explore  ways  to  expand   ecosystem," added Fabien Jordan, Founder
        IoT market and help expedite the execution   our  service offering across  GEO and  LEO   & Chief Executive Officer at Astrocast.
        of its strategy for satellite-enabled IoT. The   assets to unlock greater growth potential.

        New Satellite Constellation for Moon-to-Earth Comms to Launch by 2025

        With NASA aiming to establish a permanent   provide  a  form of lunar  GPS.  It  would   NASA for its  historic Apollo missions,  is
        colony on  the  Moon with  its  upcoming   essentially allow astronauts to know their   also  developing  a  navigation  system  that
        Artemis  missions,  it  will  need  a  robust   exact  position  and  the  direction  back to   will  track  an  astronaut's  route  through
        communication network linking it to Earth.   base. Lockheed Martin said it will provide   the  harsh  terrain  of the  lunar  south  pole,
        Lockheed Martin has just announced that   the  satellites  and  that  Crescent  Space's   allowing  them  to pinpoint  their location.
        it  believes  it  has  the  solution  to NASA's   first  Parcec  nodes  should  be  operational   The  key  difference  is  that  that  system
        communications requirements with its new   by  2025.  Improving  navigation  on  the   will  not  rely  on  satellites.  NASA  will,  of
        Parsec  Moon-to-Earth  satellite  network.   Moon Crescent Space is looking to secure   course, slowly build up to that permanent
        The  new  network  is  in  development  by   important customers for its network, with   presence on the Moon. The space agency
        the  Lockheed  Martin  spinoff Crescent   CEO  Joe  Landon,  formerly of  Lockheed   will  perform  a  crewed  lunar  flyby  with  its
        Space.  The  Parsec  network will  utilize  a   Martin, stating the firm is "well positioned"   Artemis II mission next year before aiming
        constellation  of small  lunar satellites  to   to support NASA's Artemis Moon landings.   to  finally  send  humans  back  to  the  lunar
        provide  24/7  connectivity  and  navigation   The company isn't the only one building a   surface with  its  Artemis  III  mission  in
        capabilities for astronauts, their equipment,   GPS-like  system  for the  Moon, however.   2025. Artemis III will send the first woman
        and  mission  control  on  Earth.  Lockheed   Surrey Satellite  Technology Ltd  is  also   and  the  first  person  of  color  to  the  lunar
        Martin explains in a press statement that   developing a satnav satellite for the Moon.   surface, and it will be the first mission to
        the  new  technology could prove  to be   Private  firm  Draper,  meanwhile,  the  first   land humans on the Moon since Apollo 17
        vital  for future  lunar  explorers  as  it  could   company to secure a private contract with   in 1972.

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