Page 60 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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In addition, within the optical network and Network Innovation and Develop configuration, self-healing, self-optimizing,
(fixed network), to meet network Alliance(NIDA) to formulate Net5.5G, and self-evolving telecom network
connection requirements for higher-than- which will be the first official technical infrastructures. The autonomous driving
gigabit bandwidth, ETSI released the F5G specification for all IP-related features. network at level 4 will make decisions
Advanced and Beyond White Paper in 2022, The key features will include WiFi7, 800GE based on various factors such as cost,
and WBBA (World Broadband Association) to enable 10Gbps experience, End-to-End energy efficiency, and network availability.
released the next-generation broadband SRv6, and network slicing as part of IPv6 For instance, if there is a sudden surge in
development roadmap. The evolution from Enhanced feature, and AI fabric DCN to network traffic, it will automatically adjust
1Gbps to 10Gbps has gradually become a fully release AI computing power. The its resources to ensure uninterrupted
consensus in the industry. Huawei has also Autonomous Driving Networks (ADN) L4 service.
raised the concept of F5.5G in 2022. The will include digital map, intelligent on-call
F5.5G aims to enable fibre everywhere to construction, and fault self-healing. Cloud- We are also aware of the increasing need
for sustainable growth and environmental
In 2022, Huawei collaborated with leading carriers and impact awareness among ICT service
industry partners in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia providers. Hence, we will introduce a green
ICT development program as an integral
Pacific to innovate on 5.5G, F5.5G, and Net5.5G. During part of the 5.5G era. This program will
this process, we explored various business scenarios and enable operators to manage both active
verified key technologies such as Passive-IoT, U6GHz & and idle scenarios through site, network,
and operation, using a green indicator
mmWave spectrum, 400G and 50GPON. In addition, several system, and deploy three layers of solution
carriers have also started working with Huawei on the deployment to reduce carbon emissions
while ensuring zero impacts on customer
design of use cases for ADN L4 and green ICT solutions. experience.
provide a 10Gbps fibre experience, industry- based security-as-a-Service with intelligent In 2022, Huawei collaborated with leading
level RRL, all-optical architecture, and high- detection will ensure ubiquitous security carriers and industry partners in Europe, the
precision optical sensing. New features, across the whole network. Middle East, and Asia Pacific to innovate
such as a greener agile fibre optical network As a part of the 5.5G Era, our objective is on 5.5G, F5.5G, and Net5.5G. During this
and optical sensing and visualization, will to provide support to carriers in achieving process, we explored various business
be added onto existing features, including Autonomous Driving Network (ADN) Level scenarios and verified key technologies
enhanced fixed broadband experience, full 4. This will be accomplished by introducing such as Passive-IoT, U6GHz & mmWave
fibre connections, and guaranteed reliable a range of AI and big data-powered digital spectrum, 400G and 50GPON. In addition,
experience. operation applications. These innovative several carriers have also started working
network/ICT services will be designed with Huawei on the design of use cases for
The evolution of IP networks will go hand in to automate processes with zero wait ADN L4 and green ICT solutions.
hand with both wireless and fixed network time, zero-touch, and zero trouble. This
technologies. Huawei has been working will benefit both vertical industries' users We believe that working together with
with World Broadband Association(WBBA) and consumers by supporting self- carriers and industry partners worldwide is
essential to evolve ICT infrastructure, lay
the foundation for the 5.5G era, which will
enhance the user experience by tenfold,
extend carriers business from connectivity
to sensing, support all scenario IoT
connectivity, achieve L4 high autonomy
network with full stack AI native ADN
transformation, and meet carriers'
sustainability objectives with green
development solutions. In the Middle East,
Huawei is committed to supporting
countries in achieving their visions of
digitization and sustainable development,
while also helping them become leaders in
5.5G deployment. We are dedicated to
creating new value and driving innovation
in the ICT industry through collaboration
with our partners.