Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 61



        The Backbone of Digital Ecosystem: Exploring the Vital

        Role of Telecoms in the Digital Ecosystem and the

        Importance of Data Management

                                                               The  digital  economy  and digital  ecosystem have become
                                                               integral to the modern world. The rise of digital technologies has
                                                               revolutionized how businesses operate, and telecom companies
                                                               have played a crucial role in this transformation. In this article, we
                                                               will explore the impact of digital technologies on the economy, the
                                                               concept of digital ecosystems, and the role of telecom companies
                                                               in shaping the digital economy.

                                                               The Digital Economy
                                                               The  digital  economy  encompasses  many activities  that  rely  on
                                                               digital technologies, such as the internet, mobile devices, and other
                                                               digital platforms. It encompasses all economic activities that use
                                                               digital technologies to create, distribute, and consume goods and
                                                               services.  This  includes  producing, distributing,  and  consuming
                                                               goods and services delivered through digital channels.

                                                                  The  digital economy has become  an
                                                                  essential  driver  of  growth  and  innovation
                                                                  in recent years. It is estimated to be worth
                                                                  $23 trillion by 2025.

                                                               Digital  technologies  have  significantly  impacted  the  economy
                                                               by enabling  businesses  to reach new markets  and customers,
                                                               reducing  costs,  and  improving  efficiency.  Digital  technologies
                                                               have also  transformed the  nature of work,  created  new job
                                                               opportunities, and changed how people work. The digital economy
                                                               has become an essential driver of growth and innovation in recent
        Tarinder Pal Singh                                     years. It is estimated to be worth $23 trillion by 2025.
        Senior Director, Protiviti Member Firm
        for the Middle East Region                             The Digital Ecosystem
                                                               A digital  ecosystem refers to the  interconnected network of
                                                               digital services, products, and platforms that enable businesses
                                                               to operate  in  the  digital  economy. Digital  ecosystems  comprise
                                                               various components, such as cloud services, mobile apps, social
                                                               media platforms, and e-commerce websites.

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