Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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           Digital  ecosystems  are  essential  because they enable                prevalent:  AI and  ML  will  increasingly
                                                                                   be used to automate tasks,  improve
           businesses to reach new customers and markets, reduce                   decision-making,  and  create  more
           costs,  and  improve  efficiency.  By  providing  access  to  a         personalized customer experiences.
           range of digital services and platforms, digital ecosystems           4. Cybersecurity  will  remain  a  top  priority:
                                                                                   As digital  activities  continue  to expand;
           enable  businesses  to  focus  on  their  core competencies             cybersecurity threats  will  become more
           and  leverage  the  capabilities  of  other  companies  in  the         complex  and  sophisticated.  Telecom
                                                                                   companies  will  be  crucial in  providing
           ecosystem.                                                              secure  networks  and  protecting  digital
                                                                                   assets. As more data is transferred and
        Digital  ecosystems  are  essential  because   adjust  their  strategies  to  keep  up  with   stored online,  cybersecurity measures
        they enable  businesses  to reach  new   the  demand.  This  has  resulted  in  the   will be needed to protect against cyber-
        customers and markets, reduce costs, and   widespread  deployment  of high-speed   attacks and data breaches.
        improve efficiency. By providing access to   broadband networks,  both wired and
        a range  of digital  services and platforms,   wireless,  to enable  the  delivery of digital   As digital  activities  cont-
        digital  ecosystems  enable  businesses   services.
        to focus  on their  core  competencies                                      inue  to  expand;  cyberse-
        and  leverage  the  capabilities  of other   Telecommunications  companies  have  a   curity  threats  will  become
        companies in the ecosystem.          significant role in the growth and evolution   more complex and sophis-
                                             of digital ecosystems beyond just providing
        The Role of Telecom Companies        network connectivity.  The  companies   ticated.  Telecom  compa-
        The telecommunications sector has made   provide  the  platforms and  services  that   nies  will  be  crucial  in
        significant  progress  since  its  inception,   enable businesses to operate in the digital
        back from the days of landline phones and   economy, such as  cloud services,  mobile   providing secure networks
        dial-up internet. Today, the industry is not   apps, and e-commerce platforms.  and  protecting     digital
        only focusing  on delivering  high-speed
        internet  access,  and  mobile  connectivity   The role of telecom in the digital economy   assets.  As  more data is
        but also building digital  services  for  the   and  ecosystem cannot  be  overstated.   transferred  and  stored
        ecosystem.  One  of  the  most  significant   Telecom companies  are  the  backbone   online,  cybersecurity
        changes  in  the  telecom  industry  has   of the  digital  ecosystem, providing  the
        been  the  shift  from  traditional  voice   infrastructure  and  connectivity  that  measures will be needed to
        and  messaging  services  to  data-centric   enables  digital  activities.  Through  protect  against  cyber-at-
        services. The growth of cloud computing,   bandwidth,  connectivity,  and  data
        big  data, and  the  rapid  growth  of data   services,  telecom  companies  facilitate   tacks and data breaches.
        usage  due to the  Internet  of Things  (IoT)   digital  communication,  collaboration,
        has necessitated that telecom companies   and  transactions  for individuals  and   5. Digital  payments  and  blockchain  will
                                             businesses.  Looking  ahead  to 2025,   become  more  mainstream:  Digital
           Te le co mmu n icatio n s         several  trends  and  predictions  will  shape   payments  will  become  more common,
                                                                                   and  blockchain  technology  will  enable
                                             the  digital  economy and  ecosystem  and
           companies  have  a  signifi-      the role of telecom companies in them.   new forms  of digital  transactions  and
           cant role in the growth and       Here  are  some  of the  most  noteworthy   6.  asset management.  between
           evolution of digital ecosys-      1. 5G  networks will  become widespread:   telecom and other industries: The growth
           tems beyond just providing          5G  networks  will  provide  faster, more   of the  digital  economy  and  ecosystem
           network  connectivity. The          reliable  connectivity,  enabling  new   will  lead  to increased  collaboration
                                                                                   between  telecom and  other  industries
                                               digital  experiences  and  applications,
           companies  provide  the             such  as  virtual  and  augmented  reality,   such as  healthcare, transportation,
                                               and advanced robotics.
           platforms  and  services          2. The Internet of Things (IoT) will continue   entertainment,  e-commerce, and  many
           that  enable  businesses            to grow: IoT devices, such as  smart   7. There  will  be  increasing  importance
           to operate  in the  digital         home   appliances,  wearables,  and  of data  and  analytics  in  the  digital
                                                                                   economy. As more businesses  and
                                               industrial  sensors, will  become more
           economy,  such  as cloud            widespread,  creating  new  opportunities   consumers go online,  vast  amounts
           services, mobile apps, and          for businesses and consumers alike.  of data  are generated  daily.  Telecom
           e-commerce platforms.             3. Artificial  intelligence  (AI)  and  machine   companies  are  well-positioned  to
                                                                                   capture and analyze this  data and
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