Page 55 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 55


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        CST Announces that the ICT Market in the Kingdom Has Reached 154 billion

        Under the  patronage  of H.E. the  Minister  of
        Communications   and   Information  Technology,
        Chairman of the CST's Board of Directors, Eng. Abdullah
        Alsawaha, The Communications, Space and Technology
        Commission (CST) held the “ICT Indicators Forum 2023”,
        with the presence of H.E. the Governor of the CST, Dr.
        Muhammad  Altamimi, as  well  as  a number of their
        highnesses,  excellencies,  and  local  and  international
        experts. During the forum, CST announced that the value
        of  the  ICT  market  in  Saudi  Arabia  reached  154  billion
        SAR in 2022, making it the largest and fastest-growing
        digital  economy  in  the  MENA region.  Dr.  Altamimi
        revealed that Saudi Arabia's total capital investment in
        digital  infrastructure has  reached more than  93  billion
        SAR over the past six years, noting that this expansion
        led  to a rise  in  the  quality  of the  provided  services,
        by doubling  the mobile Internet  speeds  to 11  times,
        exceeding 181 Mbps, which is double the global average,
        making the Kingdom maintain its place among the top 10
        countries in terms of mobile internet speed. In addition,
        Dr. Altamimi pointed  out that  CST was able  to launch
        high-speed internet service in 21 thousand villages and
        immigration in various regions of the Kingdom to ensure
        the  continuity  of communications  services  for more
        than 5 million people, confirming the development of the
        communications and technology system in the Kingdom.
        In the Kingdom, 5G coverage has increased to 53%; in
        Riyadh,  it  has  exceeded  94%.  Additionally,  3.7  million
        Saudi homes are under fiber optics coverage. Altamimi
        also stated that Internet service usage has significantly
        increased  in  Saudi  Arabia,  where  the  subscription  rate
        for mobile  communications  has  reached  172%  of  the
        population,  while  the  average daily  mobile  internet
        data  consumption per individual  in  the  Kingdom has
        reached over 1200MB, which is three times the global
        average. CST also contributed to strengthening national
        participatory  efforts  through collaboration  with  the
        Transport General Authority and the National Regulations
        Committee  to issue  12  approvals  for 26  brands  that
        provide  connected  vehicle  services. In  addition  to
        launching  the  experimental  regulatory environment
        for emerging technologies in support of entrepreneurs
        and innovators, and creating a flexible environment that
        balances innovation and regulation. The ICT Indicators
        Forum focused in this edition on the efforts and trends in   to support the aspirations of the digital economy in Saudi Arabia, as well as
        enhancing the efficiency of digital infrastructure, and the   exploring the future of communications and technology markets and their
        importance of expanding the scope of digital business   most important trends.

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