Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 59



        5.5G Era, a Key Milestone for the Intelligent World

        The implementation of 5G technology in the Middle East region
        has been ongoing for over four years, resulting in the launch of
        17 commercial networks with over 20 million 5G users, including
        2.3  million  home mobile  broadband  users  and  57,000  business
        users. The introduction of 5G has provided significant benefits to
        the carriers, as new services and scenarios targeting consumers,
        homes, and  businesses have  continued  to emerge. Also, as  the
        industry's  digitalization  accelerates,  the  networks  will  face a
        growing  array  of new  requirements  for diverse  sets  of industry-
        specific digital use cases, leading to demands for new features to
        bridge the functionality gaps in an immersive experience, industry
        capability, and all-scenario IoT connections. Therefore, the telco
        industry stakeholders have already agreed to the 5G evolution.

           Huawei refers to the combination of wireless,
           fixed and IP network evolution, ADN Level 4
           and green development as the 5.5G era.

        To  ensure  ubiquitous  superior  experience  and  efficiency  in
        operating a complex network while meeting the ICT low carbon
        target, Huawei believes that aligning technology evolution in other
        network  domains,  further  developing  the  Autonomous Driving
        Network (ADN)  to a  higher  level,  and  fully  adopting  green  ICT
        development are essential. Huawei refers to the combination of
        wireless, fixed and IP network evolution, ADN Level 4 and green
        development as the 5.5G era.

        The  5.5G  wireless  technology  concept  was  first  introduced  by
        Huawei  in  2020,  and  3GPP  officially  launched  5G-Advanced  in   An Jian
        2021. 5.5G is now defined as the next evolution of 5G, and Huawei   President of Huawei Carrier Business Group in
        is  working  with  3GPP  and  partners  to drive  the  5.5G  standards   the Middle East and Central Asia Region
        development. In 5.5G, new features, such as functions for better
        uplink traffic, true real-time communication, and more harmonized
        communication, will be introduced, enabling many digital use cases,
        such as transmitting a large volume of high-resolution video images
        in real-time without any quality degradation, making holographic
        communication  a reality, using  wireless  sensing  technology for
        road-Vehicle  communication, and deploying  passive-IoT devices
        managing smart warehouse and logistic tracking, which will open
        up new business opportunities for the carriers.

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