Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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        In  this  highly  penetrated  and  challenging
        market,  the  digital  ecosystem  is  gaining
        momentum through partnerships between
        the Kuwaiti Government and telco operators
        to  collaborate  with  hyperscalers  such  as
        Google  Cloud.  The  Kuwaiti  Government
        formed  its  strategic  alliance  with  Google
        Cloud  to  roll  out  a  comprehensive
        digital  transformation  roadmap  across
        governmental entities and key state-owned
        enterprises.  More recently, the Kuwaiti
        Government partnered with Apple to launch
        its Apple Pay service in Kuwait, in line with
        the country’s strategy.
        stc is focused on capturing this opportunity
        and  leading  the  digital  transformation  in
        Kuwait. By completing  a transformation
        journey that  started  in  2019  with  the
        strategy AHEAD, in 2022 stc has defined a
        new 3 year Corporate Strategy “LEAD” with
        the ambition of propelling the company on
        its path to market leadership in Kuwait. The
        acquisition  of e-Portal,  top local  player in
        ICT  services, in  2022  has  meant  a  major
        milestone  on  achieving  this  leadership
        position and since Q3 2022 stc is the telco
        leader in revenue share in Kuwait.

        Throughout  the  past  couple of years, stc
        successfully  optimized its  operations,   5G  (standalone  5G),  offering  improved   has meant a major milestone and boosted
        invested  in  developing  the  largest  5G   customer experience in terms of download   stc  capabilities to capture  this  growth
        network  in  Kuwait  and  enhanced  its   speed and latency, and enabling a broader   opportunity.
        digital  customer journeys  by  revamping   range of use cases.
        the  frontend  BSS system  and  the  digital                             Accelerate  innovation  by leveraging  stc
        touchpoints to provide its customers with   stc aims to LEAD the Kuwait telco and ICT   Group capabilities, non-telco partners and
        an unrivalled experience. stc was also the   market  by offering innovative services,   Kuwait  startup  ecosystem.  Going  beyond
        first  operator  in  Kuwait  to  launch  the  full   growing  priority  segments  and  deploying   the  core by relying  on the  stc  Group new
                                             an efficient and digital operating model.  operating  model, specialized subsidiaries
                                                                                 and  their capabilities,  enlarging  the
                                             LEAD  strategy is  built  upon  4 strategic   partnership  ecosystem  and  exploring
                                             pillars:                            nascent  ideas  will  allow  stc  to  enrich  the
                                             Lift  the core by capturing growth   product portfolio,  excel  the    customer
                                             opportunities  across  youth,  high-value   experience  and differentiate  from  the
                                             expat  and  SME segments.  This  strategy   competitors.
                                             is based on a more granular end enriched
           stc aims to LEAD the Kuwait       customer  segmentation  that  allows stc   Deploy  an  efficient  and  digital  operating
           telco  and ICT  market            to better serve their  customer  needs  and   model that is fit for a sustainable growth
           by     offering    innovative     identify  the  buckets  of growth within  the   Moving  forward  with  a  nimble  and  digital
                                             core business.
                                                                                 operating model with a relentless focus on
           services, growing  priority                                           improving customer experience, delivering
           segments  and deploying           Expand  ICT business  in  scale  and  scope   cost efficiency and profitability. A revamped
                                             and  position  stc as  professional  services
                                                                                 operating  model aimed at  developing  stc
           an  efficient  and  digital       provider  by  capturing  the  potential  of   employee’s  potential,  attracting  top  talent
           operating model.                  the  Enterprise market  across  sectors by   while preserving the culture, all aligned with
                                             offering  integrated  communications  and   the best corporate sustainability practices.
                                             IT  solutions.  The  acquisition  of e-Portal

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