Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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are broadly aligned in their assessment
of the most important network APIs,
around half of developers cited network
issues, like the need for more insight and
control of how network quality affects
the performance of their applications, as
a major challenge when trying to utilize
cloud and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
services. Further, some 76% of software
developers said that network APIs must be
easy to use and indicated that complexity
and the lack of API documentation from
CSPs currently deter them from using
network APIs. The research results will be
discussed by Nokia and Analysys Mason at
a Telecom TV event on May 2, with the full
research made public on May 4. Caroline building an ecosystem that includes other and applications being created on a case-
Chappell, Partner at Analysys Mason, said: CSPs in order to prevent fragmentation by-case basis to create end-user value.
“CSPs have the opportunity to generate that could hinder the viability of this This research underscores the appetite
incremental revenue through collaboration opportunity.” Shkumbin Hamiti, Head of to drive this ecosystem forward, but also
with developers and other CSPs to create Network Monetization Platform, Cloud highlights the work to be done to facilitate
a larger ecosystem. CSPs should strongly and Network Services, at Nokia, said: “In a deeper understanding between CSPs and
consider contributing their APIs to a the 5G world, a new digital ecosystem is developers and the required work between
third-party, network-platform-as-a-service emerging, with multiple service chains them.”
(NPaaS), engaging with developers, and of hyperscalers, infrastructure, networks,
Analysys Mason and Huawei Release 5G New Calling White Paper
Analysys Mason, a world leading New Calling. gain insights into their communication
management consultancy focused on 5G New Calling Has Enormous Market expectations. The survey revealed that
telecoms, media and technology, and Potential for Both Individuals and individual users want an enhanced mobile
Huawei just released a white paper on Enterprises calling experience, that for example makes
5G New Calling. Based on Analysys Caroline Gabriel, author of the white paper use of emojis and AR to enhance their calls.
Mason's survey results, Opportunities and and Research Director of Analysys Mason, Enterprises meanwhile seek to reduce
Challenges of 5G New Calling describes said that voice remains a core telecom costs while improving communication
the opportunities and challenges facing 5G service crucial to operators' revenue efficiency. About 77% of the enterprises
New Calling, and introduces the strategies growth and customer loyalty. In 2022, surveyed would upgrade their customer
and best practices that Chinese operators Analysys Mason surveyed 4000 individuals service systems to improve user
have developed in the construction of 5G and 501 enterprises and organizations to experiences; among them, 55% hoped to
shorten the time taken to process calls and
complete transactions over the phone . In
addition, over half of enterprises surveyed
plan to launch features such as enterprise
business cards, interactive menus, and
video-based customer services. 5G New
Calling is likely to be a powerful means for
implementing these features. In contrast
with 4G, 5G offers high-bandwidth and
low-latency network connections, which
lays a solid foundation for implementing
high-definition and immersive audio and
video calling. In particular, 3GPP has
defined the data channel that works on top
of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) to
support interactive calling, which paves
the way for the healthy development of 5G
New Calling.