Page 27 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 27


        national and international footprint. Mobily
        maintains  full  connectivity  solutions
        with  reliable  secure  networks  that  cover
        Mobily’s  local  and  international  network,
        global  POPs,  submarine  cable  systems
        through various land stations, neutral JED1
        IX and data  centers.  These  investments
        all  form important  pillars  under Mobily’s
        digital hub which seeks to create a holistic
        communications  ecosystem deploying
        a  number  of different  technologies  and
        solutions  to meet  growing demand for
        innovative  services.  This  is  built  upon  a
        range  of achievements  that  include  the
        JED1  IX  international  Internet  exchange
        which is helping to fuel the region’s
        digital economy while  also  enhancing  the                              This  enables  the  establishment  of full
        experience  of internet  users.  The  JED1   between Europe, Asia, and Africa and aims   carrier-neutral Internet Exchange (IX) in the
        IX  acts  as  a  neutral  interconnection  hub,   to improve the  peering  ecosystem in  the   JED1 datacenter facility. With these sizable
        which makes it the ideal commercial choice   region. Central to this approach is Mobily’s   investments  in  regional  and  international
        for  global  and  regional  ISPs, operators,   focus on carrier neutrality, which is why the   connectivity, Mobily aims to strengthen its
        OTTs,  content  providers, and  enterprises   company recently partnered with Equinix, a   position  as  a leading  digital  enabler and
        to land  and  peer in  Jeddah,  making  it  a   top-tier and the largest global data center   strategic  partner  for  operators and digital
        significant  gateway  for  traffic  which  in   and  Internet  Exchange  platform  provider.   ecosystem players.
        turn  places  Saudi  Arabia  as  a  digital  hub

        During the ICT Indicators Forum CST Announces Mobily as the Winner of
        the Customer Experience Awards 2022

                                                                                 During the ICT Indicators Forum, held on the
                                                                                 8th  of March 2023,  the  Communications,
                                                                                 Space &  Technology Commission  (CST)
                                                                                 announces  Mobily as  the  winner of the
                                                                                 Customer   Experience  Awards  2022
                                                                                 for achieving  the  award’s  international
                                                                                 standards  based  on  customer  votes.
                                                                                 The  award aims  to enhance  the  user’s
                                                                                 experience  and raise  competitiveness
                                                                                 among service providers in  the Kingdom.
                                                                                 The  Award includes  a number  of criteria
                                                                                 based  on  the  outputs  of periodic surveys
                                                                                 on the user’s satisfaction indicator, the Net
                                                                                 Promoter Score (NPS) index, in addition to
                                                                                 measuring the  user's  effort  in  accessing
                                                                                 services, and  the  rate  of escalated
                                                                                 complaint  received  by  CST  on  service
                                                                                 providers. This award stems from the CST’s
                                                                                 efforts  to encourage  positive  competition
                                                                                 among service providers, resulting  in
                                                                                 better  sector products that  improve the
                                                                                 user experience,  as  well  as  developing
                                                                                 communications services  in  accordance
                                                                                 with international best practices for service

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