Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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their relentless pursuit of excellence with reviewing customer ratings in such is the only one of its kind with results
almost perfect SBI and CSAT scores, and categories as technical support, field based upon actual customer satisfaction
we’re proud of them for their achievement.” service, account management, professional surveys. To qualify, organizations must
Currently in its 23rd year, the NorthFace services, customer training, depot repair, achieve a 4.0 out of a possible 5.0 rating
ScoreBoard Service Award is presented and customer service and support, among in any of the approved categories. The
annually to companies who achieved others. Last year, CRMI invited more than NFSB Award program not only recognizes
excellence in customer service during the five thousand companies to participate, companies who offer exemplary service
calendar year, as solely rated by their own reviewing customer satisfaction survey to their customers but are also at the
customers. The process of determining results from more than 500 companies to core of their existence deeply committed
NFSB recipients begins with evaluating determine their qualification standards for to the principles of respect, employee
customer satisfaction processes and the NFSB Award. The NFSB awards program empowerment, and trust in others.
China Mobile Books 8% Growth in Annual Net
China Mobile has published its financial up CNY812.06 billion of that total (up 8.1% subscriptions, 327 million of which were 5G
results for the year to end-December 2022, year-on-year). Annual EBITDA improved by network subscriptions; the former includes
reporting a 10.5% increase in operating 5.8% y-o-y to CNY329.18 billion, although all those signed up to a plan that allows
revenue and 8.0% increase in profit the EBITDA margin narrowed slightly from them to use the 5G network whilst the
attributable to equity shareholders. The 36.7% to 35.1%. Net profit for the year latter is the total that used the network (i.e.
operator registered operating revenue of grew from CNY116.15 billion in 2021 to had a compatible device and were in a 5G
CNY937.26 billion (USD137.17 billion) for CNY1125.46 billion. China Mobile counted a coverage area in addition to a 5G tariff). At
the twelve-month period, compared to total of 975 million mobile subscriptions at the end of 2021, 5G package and network
CNY848.26 billion in 2021, with revenue the end of 2022 (up from 957 million a year subscriptions had totalled 387 million and
from telecommunications services making earlier), including 614 million 5G package 207 million, respectively.