Page 36 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 36
Avaya Named to Constellation Research ShortList™ for Contact Center as
a Service Solutions (CCaaS)
Avaya, a global leader in solutions to en- innovation without disruption for every- ner of choice to public- and private-sector
hance and simplify communications and one. It is more important than ever for or- organizations, SSP works closely with a
collaboration, today announced Avaya Ex- ganizations to have the right tools in place community of social service agencies to
perience Platform, the cloud-based con- to deliver exceptional experiences across employ people with disabilities as custom-
tact center-as-a-service solution, has been all channels. Avaya Experience Platform er service agents. Avaya Experience Plat-
recognized by Constellation Research in its empowers businesses of all sizes to build form allowed the company to innovate with
latest Constellation ShortList™ for Contact and scale their contact centers, while arm- omnichannel, virtual work capabilities, and
Center as a Service (CCaaS). The ShortList ing agents with real-time customer data so much more all while retaining its core
presents vendors in different categories of and innovative cloud technologies. We're service and not disrupting its existing con-
the market relevant to early adopters and proud to be at the forefront of this market tact center technology. "By our very nature
includes products that meet the threshold and look forward to continuing to deliver as a social enterprise, we’re more in tune
criteria for the category as determined by cutting-edge solutions for our customers." than most when it comes to being mind-
Constellation Research. Avaya Experience With Avaya Experience Platform, organiza- ful of our employees’ needs.” said Tom
Platform gives organizations the power to tions can quickly and easily layer-on in- Cheong, Founder & Managing Director, Sil-
personalize agent experiences with a cus- novative cloud technologies to deliver an ver Spring Pathfinder. “By the same token,
tomizable, modern workspace that easily experience that provides their end-users for the business to be successful, we need
brings end-user insights from different ap- with more options, faster responses, and to deliver on our customers’ demands.
plications and systems into a single pane a more personalized approach. Organiza- Avaya Experience Platform provides it all,
of glass. It also enables companies to get tions can easily connect everything—voice, and we’re still able to optimize our prem-
ahead of every end-user interaction by video, chat, messaging, and more—to de- ise-based system. We have the freedom
predicting needs and proactively engag- liver effortless experiences for custom- to choose the technology we need when
ing them with journey intelligence. “Every ers and employees at every touchpoint we need it. We’re innovating and improv-
customer service interaction is a make-or- – bringing together teams, resources, and ing in a practical way that works for our
break opportunity for your organization,” insights to maximize contact center per- business.” Constellation Research evalu-
said Ahmed Helmy, Global VP of Avaya Ex- formance and experiences. Silver Spring ates more than 21 solutions categorized
perience Platform Product Management, Pathfinder (SSP) is a disruptor in the social in this market. This Constellation ShortList
Avaya. “As channel options continue to enterprise space and Avaya helped enable is determined by client inquiries, partner
expand along with customer expecta- them to strengthen their unique business conversations, customer references, ven-
tions, organizations need the right cloud model without any business disruption. As dor selection projects, market share, and
customer service solution to help create business process outsourcing (BPO) part- internal research.
Avaya Named for Excellence in Customer Service with a NorthFace
ScoreBoard Service Award (NFSB) for the 10th Consecutive Year by the
Customer Relationship Management Institute (CRMI)
Avaya, a global leader in solutions to enhance and simplify
communications and collaboration, announced it has been
named for excellence in customer service with a NorthFace
ScoreBoard Service Award (NFSB) for the 10th consecutive year
by the Customer Relationship Management Institute (CRMI).
Avaya’s support services teams achieved an overall transaction
survey for perfect Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score in field
technology support and a 97% CSAT score for remote support
with a ScoreBoard Index (SBI) of 4.8 and 4.7, respectively. The
scores and recognition solidify Avaya’s position as a leader
effectively delivering exceptional customer experiences. “While
many organizations tout their customer service prowess, Avaya’s
support service teams doubled down on their efforts working
diligently on a global level to ensure they’re providing the highest
caliber of customer service,” said Tammie Briscoe, Vice President
of Customer Support, Avaya. “This award recognizes the team for