Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 28
Omantel and BankDhofar Sign Pact for
Cloudification Journey with Omantel
As resistance to cloud migration is
dissolving globally, cloud technology
is playing a pivotal role in reshaping
the banking industry. Once considered
unlikely, core computing in the cloud
is now seen as a game-changer and a
necessity to be secure, scalable, and
agile in an ever-changing marketplace.
Through its subsidiary company Oman
Data Park, Omantel continues to enable
large corporates and enterprises to
migrate to cloud and stay competitive
in dynamic markets by designing cost-
effective solutions that streamline the journey towards digital transformation and this partnership will bear fruit and it will
customers’ operations and achieve the cloud adoption. This strategic move will foster cloudification among large entities.”
desired growth without compromising on optimize their operation, increase agility in Hassan Abdul Ali, General Manager of
data security. Omantel and BankDhofar product offering, and improve the customer Business Development at Oman Data
have recently inked a five-year contract to experience. By leveraging the power of Park, commented “We are excited to
provide the bank with a bespoke hybrid cloud technology, we are confident that this have been given the opportunity to shift
solution and wide suite of data center move will not only enhance the scalability BankDhofar’s data center to the cloud. This
offerings from co-location & connectivity and reliability of their operations but also is a major step forward for streamlining
solutions into disaster recovery, followed enable them to stay ahead of the curve in a the bank’s operations, enabling it to focus
by stepping stones for workload migration rapidly evolving industry. We are committed on strategic initiatives while reducing
into cloudification. The long-term strategic to delivering a seamless transition and operational expenses and avoiding
partnership was signed at Omantel’s ensuring that our clients' needs and capacity constraints.” “Not only shifting to
headquarters by Eng. Baha Allawati, VP of expectations are met with the highest the cloud eliminates the costs of operating
Enterprise Business Unit at Omantel, and level of excellence.” Commented Eng. and maintaining an on-premises data
Dr. Tariq Taha, Chief Information Officer Baha Allawati, Vice President of Enterprise center, but it also elevates data security
at BankDhofar. “Enterprises are constantly Business Unit at Omantel. Dr. Tariq Taha, levels and ensures speedy data recovery
evolving, and their success is strongly linked Chief Information Officer at BankDhofar, in emergencies. We have empowered
with their ability to adopt new technologies said “Core computing in the cloud has BankDhofar with disaster recovery
and serve their customers with unique become a reality and it is reshaping the capabilities across Tier III data centers and
offerings to elevate their experiences. We banking industry. At BankDhofar, we are cloud, and this is a game-changer as it will
are thrilled to sign a strategic partnership keen on embracing the future as we are automate the disaster recovery procedures,
with BankDhofar and be part of their always looking for ways to stay ahead of significantly reduce data recovery time, and
successful journey into cloudification. the curve. Therefore, adopting state-of- enable BCP operation anytime, anywhere.
With our hybrid solution delivered through the-art solutions provided by our partner, Moreover, the bank will have the agility and
Omantel’s Data Centre and hosting arm Omantel, is key towards streamlining our flexibility that is needed to stay competitive.
Oman Data Park, we will be moving the operations and be more agile in a dynamic It can handle peak loads with ease and
workload and operations of BankDhofar market while at the same time ensure without any service disruptions, thanks to
into our data center as a part of their maximum data security. I am confident that the elasticity of the cloud.” He added.
Omantel Posts 16% Rise in FY22 Domestic Net Profit
Oman Telecommunications Company on-year to OMR565.5 million, primarily driv- by 16.0% year-on-year to OMR85.7 million,
(Omantel), the Sultanate’s incumbent tele- en by an increase in mobile post-paid (up thanks to revenue growth and cost optimi-
coms operator, has announced its unau- 11.2%) and fixed broadband (3.3%) reve- zation measures. Omantel’s total domestic
dited financial results for the year ended nues. Group EBITDA grew from OMR970.3 fixed and mobile subscription base (exclud-
31 December 2022, reporting revenue of million in 2021 to OMR998.9 million the fol- ing mobile resellers) was 3.216 million at
OMR2.68 billion (USD6.9 billion), an in- lowing year, while group net profit jumped end-2022, up 0.3% from 3.208 million a year
crease of 11.4% from OMR2.41 billion in 19.4% over the same period to OMR278.9 earlier. Including resellers, the total stood at
2021. Domestic turnover rose 6.4% year- million in FY22. Domestic net profit rose 3.8 million.