Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 22


                                                MEMBERS NEWS

                                             stc Group Confirms Its Outstanding Achievements
                                             in Driving Sustainability in the Middle East

        stc Group, the leading digital enabler in the
        region, won the sustainability Middle East
        Champion  of the  year award 2023.  The
        awards were arranged by “SME Awards –
        Sustainability  Middle  East”, highlighting
        the  ME's best  sustainability  and climate
        actions. On behalf of the stc group, Mashaal
        AlRubaian,  General  manager of corporate
        communication at stc, received the award
        during the ceremony held in Dubai, UAE. The
        group focused  on  sustainability  practices
        recognizing  extraordinary achievements,
        including driving the sustainability agenda
        for  the  Middle  East  region.  With  climate
        change becoming an existential threat, stc
        worked  towards accomplishing net-zero
        / low-carbon emission  and sustainable
        operations  and  adopted  innovative
        sustainability  strategies  by migrating  to
        renewable  energy  sources,  eco-friendly
        raw   materials,  and  technologically
        advanced low-carbon-footprint machinery
        and  equipment.  stc  was awarded due to
        standing  out by its  unique sustainability   maximize  its  positive  impact  on  the   group is  committed  to reducing the
        program implemented on the ground while   environment, exceed environment  legal   environmental  impact  of  its  fleet  through
        demonstrating  measurable  improvements   obligations  imposed  by relevant  laws   a combination  of cleaner vehicles, fuel-
        in  making  industry  and  day-to-day  living   and  regulations, continuously  update  and   efficient  operation  systems,  minimizing
        cleaner  and  greener  for  the  people  in  the   improve  its  environmental  management   waste  and  preserving  biodiversity.
        Middle East. It is well noted that in February   system,  by  creating  related  objectives,   Furthermore,  the  stc  group  confirmed  its
        2023, stc group signed the environmental   science-based  targets  and  deploying   commitment to raising  awareness  of the
        position  statement  and  committed to   specific  mitigation  programs  in  addition   importance  of environmental  protection
        fulfilling  its  obligations,  including  the   to  minimizing  energy  consumption,  and  sustainability  for all  its  stakeholders
        reduction in  the environmental  impact   reducing GHG emissions,  promoting   and performing yearly internal and external
        of stc’s  products,  services and network   energy  efficiency  and  integration  low   verifications  to  ensure  the  accuracy  and
        operations  by driving  digitalization  to   carbon energy solutions.  Moreover, the   credibility  of its  environmental  data.

        stc Tower Company to Buy Towers in Eastern Europe

        stc Group, an engine of digital transformation   to expand its international footprint in key   including  recent  investments  in  ICT,  IoT,
        in  the  MENA region,  announces  that  its   markets  with  significant  growth  potential.   Cloud, Cybersecurity, Fintech  and  digital
        ICT infrastructure subsidiary,  TAWAL,  has   Marking TAWAL’s first step in Europe, this   entertainment  through its  subsidiaries.
        signed  an  agreement  to acquire  United   move represents  a major  milestone in  its   Following  completion  of the  acquisition,
        Group’s telecommunications tower assets.   international  expansion  journey  and  stc   TAWAL will  own and  operate  more  than
        The  agreement,  valued  at  EUR 1.220  bn   Group’s  growth ambitions  which  have   4,800  sites  across  Bulgaria, Croatia, and
        supports  stc  Group’s  ambitious  strategy   been active growing in the ICT adjacencies   Slovenia  (all  European  Union  member

                                                                                                  22  MARCH-APRIL 2023
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