Page 158 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 158


                         The  Council  of  Ministers  has  adopted  a  draft  decree   In addition, with the government seemingly determined
                         codifying  the  Regulatory  Authority  for  Electronic   to  level  the  playing  field  in  the  country’s  telecoms
                         Communications  and  Posts  (ARCEP’s)  improved   market,  it  has  unveiled  a  draft  decree  to  determine
                         powers for handling conflict resolution, sanctions, and   which operators hold significant market power (SMP).
        Togo             conciliation  processes.  Togo  First  cited  a  statement   If  the  decree  is  adopted,  ARCEP  will  be  tasked  with
                         from the council which confirmed: ‘This draft decree,   generating a report every year assessing the status of
                         which simultaneously aims to protect consumer rights   the digital communications market in Togo. This report
                         and  the  interests  of  operators  in  the  sector,  aims   will be examined by the council of ministers, the paper
                         to  specify  the  rules  for  conciliation,  the  handling  of   notes.
                         disputes and the application of sanctions by ARCEP’.   (July 8, 2021)

                         A  Trinidadian  High  Court  Judge  has  declared  that   facilitate portability, not implement it. The Trinidad and
                         state-backed  operator  Telecommunications  Services   Tobago Guardian quotes Justice Seepersad as saying:
                         of  Trinidad  and  Tobago  (TSTT)  is  legally  required  to   ‘TSTT’s interpretation of the proposed amendment to
                         implement fixed number portability (FNP) – five years   Regulation 9 disregards the established interpretative
        Trinidad         after its chief rival first raised the issue. Delivering a   requirement to avoid an interpretation which is absurd
                         written  judgement,  Justice  Frank  Seepersad  partially
                                                                        and  its  position  defies  common  sense,  commercial
                         upheld a 2016 lawsuit from Columbus Communications   logic  and  is  devoid  of  practicality  …  Citizens  should
                         Trinidad  Limited  (CCTL,  trading  as  Flow)  against   not  be  forced,  frustrated  or  blackmailed  into  staying
                         industry  watchdog  the  Telecommunication  Authority   with  a  telecommunications  provider  because  of  fear
                         of  Trinidad  and  Tobago  (TATT),  over  its  failure  to   of inconvenience or uncertainty. TSTT’s behavior has
                         enforce  the  issue.  In  doing  so,  Justice  Seepersad   been  callous  and  calculating  and  must  be  roundly
                         rejected  TSTT’s  claims  that  the  Telecommunications   rejected.’
                         Act and its associated regulations only required that it   (August 3, 2021)

                         The government of Uganda has been awarded USD200   communities. The funding will include USD140 million
                         million  financing  by  the  World  Bank  to  carry  out  a   of  financing  from  the  World  Bank’s  International
                         series of digital inclusion schemes. The new Uganda   Development Association (IDA) plus a grant of USD60
                         Digital  Acceleration  Project-GovNet  (UDAP-GovNet)   million. Tony Thompson, World Bank Country Manager
        Uganda           will support the extension of 1,000km of national fiber   for  Uganda,  commented:  ‘Transforming  Uganda’s
                                                                        digital infrastructure is an urgent necessity for post-
                         backbone infrastructure, an additional 500km of fiber-
                         optic network links between towns, mobile broadband   COVID-19 recovery. We look forward to the time when
                         connections for 900 government administrative units   all  citizens  can  access  high  quality  and  low-cost
                         and  service  centers  in  underserved  areas,  and  828   internet,  public  services  online,  a  digital  economy
                         Wi-Fi  hotspots  in  select  locations  to  support  access   driving growth, innovation and job creation.’
                         to  online  services  among  rural  and  underserved   (June 8, 2021)

                         OFCOM  has  published  proposals  to  change  the   operate  their  networks  without  them  interfering  with
                         way  it  licenses  certain  satellite  systems.  OFCOM   each other. To help support competition in this market
                         explains  that  a  number  of  new  satellite  broadband   and  protect  the  quality  of  the  service  customers
                         networks  are  currently  being  developed,  which  use   receive, OFCOM is proposing changes to the licensing
        United           Non-Geostationary  Satellite  Orbit  (NGSO)  systems   process for NGSO systems. This includes new checks
                                                                        on  potential  interference  between  networks,  and
                         to  connect  people  to  the  internet,  particularly  those
        Kingdom          in  hard-to-reach  areas.  NGSO  systems  are  more   publishing license applications it receives so that other
                         sophisticated   than   earlier   satellite   broadband   interested  parties  have  an  opportunity  to  raise  any
                         networks. Rather than ground equipment pointing at a   interference  or  competition  concerns.  The  changes
                         single satellite to connect people, NGSO networks can   would  also  require  different  networks  to  co-operate
                         involve thousands of satellites orbiting the Earth which   with each other on technical matters to avoid risk of
                         satellite dishes need to track as they move across the   disruption to their services, under the conditions of their
                         sky. While this can potentially bring faster speeds to   license. OFCOM says that it recognizes the importance
                         customers, OFCOM says, it can be more complex for   of these new services to the wider space sector and
                         different  NGSO  satellite  operators  to  agree  how  to   will be publishing its Space Sector Spectrum Strategy

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