Page 157 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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                         Spain’s long-awaited auction of 5G-suitable 700MHz   accepted the takeover proposal in March this year.
                         licenses  is  now  underway,  with  Telefonica  Espana   (July 7, 2021)
                         (Movistar), Orange Espana and Vodafone Spain going
                         head-to-head for the concessions. Grupo MASMOVIL   The  competition  authority  approved  a  proposed  €2
                         has opted to sit out the process, mirroring its approach   billion  acquisition of regional  fixed  player  and MVNO
        Spain            in 2018, when the government auctioned 5G licenses in   Euskaltel  by  Masmovil  without  conditions  after
                         the 3.6GHz-3.8GHz band. A total of seven concessions   concluding  it  would  not  pose  significant  problems.
                         are  being  tendered,  broken  down  as  two  2×10MHz   CNMC  noted  although  Euskaltel  had  a  significant
                         blocks, two 2×5MHz blocks and three 1×5MHz blocks   presence  in  the  Asturias,  Galicia  and  the  Basque
                         (downlink only). All licenses will be valid for a period of   Country  regions,  its  national  presence  was  limited,
                         20 years, but extendable for a further 20-year period.   meaning  combining  with  the  MNO  would  not  have
                         The base price will generate bids of EUR995.5 million   a  significant  impact  on  competition.  It  added  in  the
                         (USD1.174 billion). (July 20, 2021)  areas  where  Euskaltel  had  a  strong  market  share,  it
                                                                        had a different strategy to Masmovil, other “significant
                         The Board of the Spanish National Securities Market   operators”  present  and  able  to  continue  to  exert
                         Commission  (Comision  Nacional  del  Mercado  de   pressure.  The  regulator  also  noted  third  parties  it
                         Valores,  CNMV)  has  authorized  the  takeover  bid  for   quizzed  did  not  raise  significant  issues  and  broadly
                         the  shares  of  Euskaltel  submitted  by  Kaixo  Telecom,   viewed sector consolidation as a positive. As a result,
                         which  owns  Grupo  MASMOVIL.  Kaixo  is  co-owned   it  cleared  the  deal  without  conditions.  Masmovil
                         by international private equity firms Cinven, KKR and   announced its bid for the company in March, with the
                         Providence,  and  the  CNMV’s  approval  comes  after   offer subject to approval by Euskaltel shareholders and
                         the  government  authorized  the  foreign  investment.   the final nod from stock market authorities in Spain. It
                         The  100%  takeover  of  Euskaltel  involves  the  buyout   is making the move through subsidiary Kaixo Telecom.
                         of 178.645 million shares, which are priced at EUR11   In its statement announcing the proposed acquisition,
                         (USD13) per share, for a total takeover fee of EUR1.965   Masmovil said the deal would consolidate its position
                         billion. Euskaltel’s three largest shareholders, Zegona   nationally,  noting  the  larger  business  would  be  in  a
                         Communications,  Kutxabank  and  Alba  Europe  –  who   better position to accelerate investment in 5G and fiber.
                         collectively  hold  52.32%  of  the  company’s  shares  –   (June 17, 2021)

                         The Post and Telecom Agency (Post & Telestyrelsen,   associations, covering 1,817 separate projects. Bjorn
                         PTS)  says  the  application  period  for  broadband   Blondell,  division  manager  at  PTS,  commented:  ‘It  is
                         subsidies  has  ended,  with  almost  SEK7.5  billion   very positive that the interest has been so great and
                         (USD860  million)  having  been  requested  by  network   that  applications  have  been  received  with  so  many
        Sweden           operators. The regulator has SEK1.6 billion of funding   projects. PTS’s broadband support is an important tool
                         to allocate for the rollout of broadband infrastructure   for achieving the Government’s broadband strategy …
                         in  three  regions,  Norrland,  Svealand  and  Gotaland.   Not all projects will be eligible for funding this time, but
                         A  total  of  129  applications  for  broadband  support   PTS’s broadband support will continue in the coming
                         were  received  from  companies,  municipalities  and   years.’ (August 11, 2021)

                         The  World  Bank  has  approved  the  Digital  Tanzania   critical government institutions; and digital platforms
                         Project (DTP) with a financing of USD150 million from   and  services  –  building  the  technical  capacity,
                         the  International  Development  Association  (IDA).   skills,  institutions,  and  local  digital  infrastructure  for
                         The  project  aims  to  increase  access  to  high  quality   the  government  to  deliver  services  to  citizens  and
        Tanzania         broadband  internet  services  for  the  government,   conduct its own business digitally. By the end of the
                         businesses and citizens, and improve the government’s   DTP’s  implementation,  more  than  75%  of  Tanzania’s
                         capacity  to  deliver  digital  public  services.  This  will   population  will  be  covered  by  a  mobile  broadband
                         be  achieved  through  the  following  components:  the   network signal (3G or higher); some 425 government
                         digital  ecosystem  –  strengthening  the  laws,  policies,   ministries,  departments  and  agencies  will  benefit
                         regulations, institutional capacity, and human capacity   from  broadband  internet  service;  and  a  minimum  of
                         needed  to  promote  ICT  infrastructure  investment,   40%  of  citizens  (aged  15  and  above)  will  be  able  to
                         market  competitiveness,  digital  engagement,  job   use the internet. The number of monthly transactions
                         creation,  and  innovation;  digital  connectivity  –   accessing a public service via the internet or a mobile
                         ensuring  access  to  affordable,  high  quality  internet   phone will increase from 200,000 to at least 500,000.
                         services for all citizens, including in rural areas, and for   (June 1, 2021)

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