Page 161 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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                         2006 and Article 3 of the License. In deciding whether to   and  on  whether  the  Licensee  has  been  in  persistent
                         renew a license, the Commission must decide whether   breach  of  any  of  those  obligations.  All  operators
                         the Licensee in question has complied with its various   seeking renewal must apply to the Commission no less
                         obligations  under  the  Act,  the  Telecommunications   than  twelve  months  before  their  License  expiration.’
                         Code, the License, and any Commission instructions,   (June 4, 2021)

                         A public consultation has been launched by the Zambia   bandwidth requirements; development of a spectrum
                         Information and Communication Technology Authori-  planning  work  program  aimed  at  preparing  identified
                         ty (ZICTA)  to ‘share [its] preliminary views and  plans   bands  for  licensing;  development  of  fair  and  trans-
                         regarding  the  identified  spectrum  to  facilitate  for  the   parent  licensing  process  appropriate  for  each  band,
                         early rollout and commercialization of 5G as well as to   considering market demand; and the development of
        Zambia           encourage  immediate  capacity  expansion  of  existing   a 5G spectrum roadmap. Four bands have been identi-
                         broadband  systems’  With  the  ZICTA  inviting  indus-  fied by the ZICTA as meeting ‘all requirements for low,
                         try view and comments on its planning and licensing   mid and high band categories of spectrum required to
                         proposals for key 5G spectrum bands, it now seeks to   meet  5G  capacity  and  coverage  requirement’,  name-
                         gather information on the level of demand for the dif-  ly the 700MHz, 2.6GHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz bands. Of
                         ferent bands being considered and understand indus-  those, it noted that 3.5GHz frequencies had ‘emerged
                         try spectrum acquisition plans and priorities. All feed-  as a key focus for 5G’ across many other countries and,
                         back received will be reportedly be used in conjunction   as such, one specific question it posed as part of the
                         with the ZICTA’s strategic objectives to inform spec-  consultation was whether respondents agreed that this
                         trum  planning  and  licensing  decisions  related  to  the   band is ‘vital to 5G deployment in Zambia’. A deadline
                         following activities: identification of 5G priority bands;   of 20 August 2021 has been set for submissions to the
                         adoption  of  band  allotment  plans  and  per  operator   consultation.   (July 28, 2021)

                         Disclaimer: Information contained in Member News updates, Regional News updates, Policy & Regulatory updates, Satellite News updates, Tech-
                         nology News updates, Snapshot of Regulatory News SAMENA Countries, Regulatory News beyond SAMENA region and Wholesale News updates
                         have been obtained from sources, which we deem reliable. SAMENA Telecommunications Council is not liable for any misinformed decisions that the
                         reader may reach by being solely reliant on information contained herein. Expert advice should be sought.

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