Page 160 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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                         largest  mobile  carriers:  AT&T,  Verizon,  T-Mobile  and   access  on  a  house-by-house,  location-by-location
                         UScellular.  These  four  wireless  service  providers   basis. “Broadband internet access” means that service
                         voluntarily submitted the coverage data to create the   is available or could be connected within 10 business
                         map. Specifically, the map shows where customers can   days  with  a  standard  installation.  The  FCC  will
                         expect to receive 4G LTE service at a minimum download   standardize location data through the use of a common
                         speed of 5 Mbps and upload speed of 1 Mbps. To use   dataset  of  all  structures  in  the  United  States  where
                         the  map,  consumers  can  enter  in  specific  addresses   mass-market fixed broadband internet service can be
                         or  zoom  in  to  locations  to  see  where  4G  LTE  mobile   installed. It will also validate provider-submitted data
                         data  and  voice  service  is  available.  Users  can  also   and  allow  users  to  challenge  the  information  shown
                         click boxes to show broadband and voice coverage on   on the maps. Decent broadband mapping has become
                         separate layers. Or they can click all the boxes to show   extremely urgent as the government is poised to infuse
                         the gaps in coverage across the U.S. The FCC, under   billions  into  broadband  infrastructure  in  its  effort  to
                         its Acting Chair Jessica Rosenworcel, is determined to   close the digital divide. For instance, the FCC recently
                         get more thorough and accurate maps of broadband   said it was ready to release the first batch of funding —
                         coverage across the country. Under her leadership, the   some $311 million — from the Rural Digital Opportunity
                         Broadband Data Task Force was created in February   Fund (RDOF) Phase I auction. But in the same breath
                         2021  to  implement  long-overdue  improvements  to   the agency revealed a long list of winning bidders have
                         the  FCC’s  broadband  data  and  maps.  The  new  4G   already defaulted on their obligations and hinted many
                         LTE  map  was  created  by  the  Broadband  Data  Task   more  could  soon  follow  suit.  The  main  reason  that
                         Force. The new mobile map provides a preview of how   RDOF bidders are backing out of their commitments is
                         mobile data will be collected by the FCC in the future   because once they dug into the details of their service
                         as  it  improves  the  specificity  and  consistency  of  its   areas, they discovered that many of these areas were
                         broadband availability data. For fixed internet service,   already served — the maps they had initially relied on
                         the FCC aims for its maps to show broadband internet   just weren’t accurate. (August 7, 2021)

                         The  Regulatory  Unit  of  Communications  Services   July ahead of a commercial launch of MNP on 1 October
                         (URSEC) has announced that a database administrator,   2021.  However,  the  timetable  was  subsequently
                         which  will  be  responsible  for  implementing  and   delayed  in  May  in  order  to  ensure  the  security  and
                         developing  mobile  number  portability  (MNP)  in  the   transparency of the process. Mobile operators will bear
                         country,  has  been  selected.  The  Number  Portability   the cost of the number transfer process, which should
        Uruguay          Committee chose the Cleartech – Cietel consortium as   take no more than three days to complete.
                         its first choice for the role for the period 2021-2026, with   (August 23. 2021)
                         the  Sonda  Uruguay  –  Mediafon  Datapro  consortium
                         coming in second place. The two companies were the   The  Regulatory  Unit  of  Communications  Services
                         only  prequalified  bidders  that  were  approved  by  the   (URSEC) has issued a number of resolutions to lower
                         Number Portability Committee at the end of June. The   fixed  and  mobile  termination  rates  charged  by  the
                         preferred bidder has been given five days to either accept   country’s  telecoms  operators.  Effective  1  June  2021
                         or  reject  its  selection.  According  to  TeleGeography’s   the  charge  for  termination  in  state-owned  ANTEL’s
                         GlobalComms Database, Law 19,889/2020, which was   fixed line network from the Claro and Movistar networks
                         approved in July 2020, declares that number portability   has been set at UYU0.31 (USD0.007) per minute (plus
                         is a right of users of mobile telephony services, and two   VAT),  a  decrease  from  the  previous  rate  of  UYU0.77.
                         months later a committee comprising representatives   Regarding  mobile  termination  rates  (MTRs),  effective
                         from  industry  regulators  and  mobile  operators  was   1 June the URSEC has established a rate of UYU0.88
                         established  to  prepare  for  the  introduction  of  MNP.   (plus  VAT)  per  minute  for  calls  between  the  wireless
                         Following on from this, the government approved the   networks of Claro, Movistar and ANTEL, compared to
                         regulatory conditions, general rules and timetable for   the previous provisional rate of UYU1.7 per minute.
                         the long-delayed introduction of MNP in January, under   (June 29, 2021)
                         which tests of the system were expected to begin in

                         The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Commission   government on 1 June, the TRC noted: ‘The four unitary
                         (TRC)  of  the  British  Virgin  Islands  (BVI)  has  invited   licenses issued to CCT, Flow, Digicel and BVI Cable TV
                         the country’s telecoms licensees to re-apply for their   by  the  TRC  in  2007  are  due  to  expire  over  an  eight-
                         licenses  ahead  of  the  expiration  of  the  respective   month period in 2022. The license renewal process is
        Virgin Island    concessions next year. In a press release issued by the   governed by section 24 of the Telecommunications Act

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