Page 154 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 154


                         Filipino  mobile  network  operators  (MNOs)  Smart   Echoing Tamano, Globe Chief Commercial Officer Issa
                         Communications,  Globe  Telecom  and  newcomer   Guevarra-Cabreira noted that the company had ‘learned
                         DITO  Telecommunity  have  successfully  completed   a lot in the process’ and as a result hoped ‘to make the
                         initial  technical  and  interoperability  tests  as  part  of   transition easy and seamless for our customers once
        Philippines      the government’s implementation of Republic Act No.   the MNP becomes available to all’. Meanwhile, Smart’s
                         11202 (aka the Mobile Number Portability [MNP] Act).
                                                                        Senior Vice President and Head of Consumer Wireless
                         In  a  joint  statement  the  three  MNOs  confirmed  that,   Business, Jane Basas, said the tests would allow the
                         working  in  conjunction  with  their  joint  venture  (JV)   MNO  to  ‘understand  and  recalibrate  [its]  systems
                         company Telecommunications Connectivity Inc. (TCI),   and processes, so we can make the MNP experience
                         the initial tests had been ‘within expectations’ meaning   simple and easy for our customers’. TeleGeography’s
                         that soon mobile subscribers across the country will be   GlobalComms  Database  confirms  that  the  MNP  Act
                         able to keep their number when switching to another   was signed in February 2019, with implementing rules
                         provider.  Commenting  on  the  development,  DITO   and regulations (IRR) taking effect from 2 July 2019.
                         Chief  Administrative  Officer  Adel  Tamano  said:  ‘As   The  Philippines  had  intended  on  introducing  MNP  in
                         the newest player in the industry, we truly are excited   the first quarter of 2021 under the remit of the Act, but
                         to provide this service to Filipinos wherever they may   the rollout was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic
                         be.  When  we  entered  the  industry,  it  really  was  to   and will start by 30 September 2021. Globe, Smart and
                         encourage competition and innovation. With the Mobile   DITO formed the JV consortium TCI, and tapped global
                         Number Portability Act, we have broken down barriers   firm Syniverse to implement the porting platform.
                         and have given the Filipinos the power of convenience   (July 16, 2021)
                         to  finally  switch  to  their  preferred  service  provider.’

                         The  consumer  watchdog  UOKiK  has  launched   mobile network operators (MNOs), plus market regu-
                         proceedings  against  mobile  network  operators   lator the Office of Electronic Communications (Urzad
                         (MNOs) Orange and Play (P4) for charging customers   Komunikacji  Elektronicznej,  UKE).  The  EUR1.6  billion
                         for  additional  services  without  their  consent.  The   (USD1.95 billion)  deal was first announced  in Febru-
        Poland           President  of  UOKiK,  Tomasz  Chrostny,  said:  ‘During   ary this year. The transaction will add 7,000 towers to
                                                                        the Cellnex European footprint, while it is also buying
                         sales  talks,  consultants  only  informed  consumers
                         about  the  amount  of  the  subscription,  they  did  not   active  infrastructure  including  37,000  radio  carriers,
                         mention  the  costs  of  additional  services.  Remember   11,300km of fiber backbone network and a nationwide
                         that the inclusion of any services must take place with   network  of  microwave  radio  links.  Cellnex  has  also
                         the express and informed consent of the subscriber.’   agreed to roll out 1,500 new sites for Polkomtel, mainly
                         The operators could be fined up to 10% of their annual   for 5G, at a cost of EUR600 million over the next ten
                         revenue. In June this year the watchdog handed fines   years. In October 2020 Cellnex signed a EUR800 million
                         to T-Mobile and Polkomtel for similar offences.  deal to acquire a 60% stake in the infrastructure unit
                         (July 29, 2021)                of Polish cellco Play. Cellnex Deputy CEO Alex Mestre
                                                                        commented:  ‘This  acquisition  is  a  key  milestone  for
                         Mobile tower owner Cellnex has been approved to ac-  Cellnex.  It will  strengthen  Cellnex’  position  in  Poland
                         quire the tower infrastructure of Polish cellco Polkom-  following  the  recent  acquisition  of  towers  and  sites
                         tel. The country’s Office of Competition and Consumer   from Play. What is more, this decision will allow us to
                         Protection (Urzad Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentow,   hold to our commitment to evolve the traditional tower
                         UOKiK) says that while the deal will see Spain-based   operator  model  towards  an  integrated  telecommuni-
                         Cellnex  take  control  of  more  than  half  of  the  mobile   cations infrastructure management model, combining
                         towers across Poland, it will not restrict competition.   the operation of passive elements (towers) and active
                         While carrying out its investigation into the proposed   elements such as transmission equipment, radio links
                         deal, UOKiK sought responses from all four of Poland’s   and fiber-to-the-tower.’ (June 11, 2021)

                         Portugal’s   National   Communications   Authority   with ANACOM describing the process as ‘particularly
                         (Autoridade Nacional de Comunicacoes, ANACOM) has   slow’. With offers rising incrementally by just 1% each
                         announced that it has increased the number of daily   time, the watchdog has warned that the slow pace of
                         bidding rounds in its 5G auction, from seven to twelve.   the  auction  ‘could  result  in  a  disastrous  delay  in  the
        Portugal         On  the  81st  day  of  bidding  (7  May)  the  watchdog   development and entry into operation of 5G networks,
                         increased  the  number  of  daily  bidding  rounds  from   to the detriment of citizens and businesses. ANACOM
                         six  to  seven,  but  the  measure  proved  insufficient,   has expressed a willingness to allow bids to increase

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