Page 153 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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                         gross margin for these products shall be at least 40%.   the  establishment  of  an  independent  appeals  board
                         Finally, the Nkom has introduced a new requirement for   for  processing  appeals  against  decisions  made  by
                         Telenor  carrier  to  document  passed  margin  squeeze   the  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal
                         tests and gross margin tests before the company can   kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  NKOM).  A  deadline  of
                         implement  price  changes  or  launch  new  fiber-based   15 October 2021 has been set for submissions to the
                         products in the retail market. According to the regulator,   consultation. (July 7, 2021)
                         this new requirement will prevent access buyers from
                         experiencing margin squeeze in the period until Nkom   The  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal
                         carries out its next margin squeeze test.      kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  NKOM)  has  launched
                         (August 23, 2021)              a  consultation  on  its  proposed  price  regulation  of
                                                                        fixed-wireless broadband connectivity, as well as the
                         The Ministry of Local Government and Modernization   requirements for accounting separation for access to
                         (KMD)  has  published  a  consultation  regarding   such services. In a press release regarding the matter
                         its  proposals  for  a  new  piece  of  overarching   the  regulator  noted  that  it  had  previously  confirmed
                         communications regulation. With the country’s current   back in October 2020 that fixed line incumbent Telenor
                         key  legislation  –  the  Electronic  Communications  Act   Norge would be required to offer wholesale access to
                         –  having  been  enacted  back  in  2003,  the  KMD  has   fixed-wireless broadband at prices which ensure buyers
                         now said that its proposed new communications act   do not face a margin squeeze. Now, with the NKOM’s
                         would  facilitate  new  regulatory  mechanisms  and   consultation including a margin squeeze model, along
                         increase  consumer  protections,  while  facilitating  the   with the associated principles for designing that model,
                         development  of  both  mobile  and  fixed  broadband   it has set a deadline of 2 July 2021 for the submission
                         infrastructure.  In  a  press  release  outlining  the  plan,   of comments.
                         the Ministry has – amongst other things – proposed   (June 16, 2021)

                         The  Agency  for  the  Promotion  of  Private  Investment   Peruvian telecoms watchdog the Supervisory Agency
                         (Agencia  de  Promocion  de  la  Inversion  Privada,   for  Private  Investment  in  Telecommunications
                         ProInversion) has altered the timeline for its planned   (Organismo  Supervisor  de  Inversion  Privada  en
                         auction  of  spectrum  in  the  1700MHz  and  2300MHz   Telecommuniciones,  Osiptel)  has  issued  a  new
        Peru             bands,  with  the  winner  of  the  tender  now  due  to  be   resolution  requiring  providers  of  telecommunications
                                                                        services  to  file  daily  reports  on  the  cancellation  of
                         announced  on  15  December  2021.  Under  the  new
                         plan,  the  deadlines  for  submitting  and  responding  to   subscriptions  and  migration  of  customers  from  one
                         queries regarding the auction have been pushed back   plan  to  another  with  the  same  company.  Osiptel  will
                         to  15  September  and  12  October  respectively,  with   use the reports to monitor operators’ compliance with
                         would-be participants to submit their applications by   the  existing  rules  governing  the  process,  noting  that
                         22 October (originally set to take place by 13 August).   it  receives  high  levels  of  complaints  regarding  the
                         A  list  of  prequalified  bidders  will  be  announced  on  4   migration and cancellation of subscriptions. Between
                         November 2021, with bids entered in two stages in early   2016  and  2020,  Osiptel  resolved  more  than  185,000
                         December. As previously reported by TeleGeography’s   complaints regarding requests to cancel subscriptions,
                         CommsUpdate, the winners will be required to deploy   with 36% of those cases found in favor of the customer.
                         mobile  networks  to  a  combined  total  of  1,561  rural   Further, Osiptel highlighted that between 2018 and 2020
                         and  remote  towns,  comprising  more  than  300,000   it had seen increases of 77% and 84% in the number of
                         inhabitants.  The  two  lots  of  spectrum  comprise   complaints its had received regarding the termination
                         2×30MHz in the 1700MHz band (AWS-3) at 1750MHz-  of contracts and switching tariffs, respectively. The new
                         1780MHz/2150MHz-2180MHz  and  1×30MHz  in  the   resolution is set to be implemented in two stages after
                         2300MHz  range,  at  2300MHz-2330MHz.  The  winner   a delay to allow the regulator and providers to make the
                         of AWS frequencies will be required to provide network   necessary adjustments. From 1 January 2022 reports
                         coverage  of  1,171  rural  towns,  including  at  least   must  be  filed  with  information  concerning  requests
                         118  in  the  Valley  of  the  Apurimac,  Ene  and  Mantaro   from  customers  to  migrate  or  cancel  subscriptions,
                         Rivers  (Valle  de  los  Rios  Apurimac,  Ene  y  Mantaro,   and  from  1  July  2022  reports  must  be  submitted  on
                         VRAEM) region and in the jungle areas of the country.   the  total  number  of  requests  that  were  executed  by
                         The  successful  2300MHz  bidder,  meanwhile,  will  be   the company. The requirements will only be imposed
                         required to roll out mobile networks to 390 rural towns   on  companies  with  more  than  500,000  subscribers,
                         across the country.                            however.
                         (August 5, 2021)               (July 12, 2021)

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