Page 159 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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                         in the autumn. This will not affect these NGSO licensing   following  its  award  of  700MHz  band  spectrum  via
                         proposals. (August 6,2021)          auction  back  in  March  2021,  it  is  now  considering
                                                                        making  changes  to  800MHz  frequency  licenses  with
                         Telecoms  regulator  OFCOM  has  published  the   a view to enabling mobile network operators (MNOs)
                         proposed annual license fees for UK spectrum licenses   to  improve  network  coverage  and  increase  capacity.
                         in  the  2100MHz  band.  The  target  frequencies  were   As per the watchdog’s proposals, the permitted power
                         originally auctioned back in 2000 with a fixed license   output  for  the  equipment  MNOs  use  in  the  800MHz
                         term of 20 years, but following a government direction,   band  would  be  increased,  bringing  it  in  line  with  the
                         OFCOM varied the terms of these concessions in 2011   conditions in place for the recently awarded 700MHz
                         to  make  them  indefinite  and  to  require  the  payment   band.  Further,  Ofcom  confirmed  that  power  limits
                         of  annual  license  fees  from  1  January  2022.  The   for  800MHz  licenses  would  also  be  measured  per
                         concessions, which are currently held by the UK’s four   antenna rather than per each individual piece of radio
                         network operators – EE, O2 UK, Three UK and Vodafone   equipment.  Measures  are,  however,  being  proposed
                         UK – include paired and unpaired spectrum. With the   to ensure that operators avoid interference with other
                         government  direction  requiring  OFCOM  to  set  fees   nearby  spectrum  users,  such  as  the  airwaves  used
                         ‘that reflect the full market value of the spectrum’, it   for  Digital  Terrestrial  Television  (DTT).  Meanwhile,  to
                         has  proposed  the  following  charges:  GBP567,000   help  facilitate  equipment  manufacturers’  making  of
                         (USD785,000)  per  MHz  for  the  119.1MHz  of  paired   equipment that is capable of using both the 700MHz
                         2100MHz spectrum; and GBP290,000 per MHz for the   and  800MHz  bands,  OFCOM  is  proposing  to  amend
                         20.1MHz of unpaired 2100MHz spectrum. Meanwhile,   some out of band and out of block limits. According
                         the  regulator  has  said  it  also  proposing  to  increase   to the regulator, this is to align more closely the limits
                         these fees by consumer price index (CPI) each year.  with  the  conditions  set  out  in  the  country’s  700MHz
                         (July 15, 2021)                licenses and with the European Conference of Postal
                                                                        and  Telecommunications  Administrations  (CEPT)
                         British  telecoms  regulator  OFCOM  has  said  that,   mask for the 800MHz band. (July 14, 2021)

                         T-Mobile  US  and  Verizon  Wireless  have  requested   has revealed that it has received a total of 26 ‘complete’
                         permission  from  the  Federal  Communications   applications  ahead  of  its  Auction  110  spectrum
                         Commission  (FCC)  to  exchange  a  number  of  AWS,   sale  in  October,  alongside  a  further  16  ‘incomplete’
                         PCS  and  600MHz  licenses.  The  License  Exchange   submissions.  Notable  companies  that  have  filed
        United           Agreement  –  which  was  signed  on  5  August  –   complete paperwork include the likes of AT&T Auction
                         involves  concessions  held  by  former  Sprint  Corp
                                                                        Holdings  (AT&T  Communications),  T-Mobile  License
        States           holding companies Sprint Realty, Sprint Spectrum and   (T-Mobile US) and United States Cellular Corporation
                         SprintCom,  all  of  which  were  acquired  by  T-Mobile   (UScellular). Fierce Wireless notes that DISH Network
                         US  as  part  of  the  Sprint-T-Mobile  mega-merger  in   has lodged an application via a holding company called
                         April  2020.  The  Verizon  licenses  are  variously  held   Weminuche, while Grain Management will bid via New
                         by bidding vehicle Cellco Partnership, Alltel and Rural   Level  III.  The  list  of  incomplete  bidders,  meanwhile,
                         Cellular  Corporation.  The  public  interest  statement   includes  major  players  such  as  Cellco  Partnership
                         notes:  ‘These  assignments  involve  only  the  transfer   (Verizon  Wireless)  and  Frontier  Communications
                         of spectrum; no network or other assets or customers   Holdings. The two lists are rounded out with small-scale
                         are involved. The assignments are, in some markets,   regional  operators,  spectrum  investors  and  assorted
                         intra-market license exchanges that will enable more   bidding  vehicles.  Companies  have  until  2  September
                         efficient  operations  resulting  from  larger  blocks   to  finalize  their  incomplete  submissions.  According
                         of  contiguous  spectrum  and/or  the  alignment  of   to  TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms  Database,  Auction
                         spectrum  blocks  held  in  adjacent  markets.  Most  of   110  will  include  100MHz  of  mid-band  spectrum  in
                         these intra-market exchanges involve the exchange of   the  3.45GHz-3.55GHz  band.  The  process  will  begin
                         an even amount of spectrum, where neither party will   on 5 October 2021 and see the spectrum divided into
                         increase its spectrum holdings in the market.’ In 37 of   ten 10MHz blocks licensed by Partial Economic Area
                         the 42 counties where spectrum is being assigned to   (PEA), for a total of 4,060 flexible-use licenses.
                         the T-Mobile licensees, T-Mobile’s resulting spectrum   (August 19, 2021)
                         aggregation  will  be  below  the  applicable  spectrum
                         screens. Verizon’s spectrum aggregation, meanwhile,   The  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)  has
                         will fall below the spectrum screen in 40 of 41 counties.   published  its  first  map  that  shows  4G  LTE  mobile
                         (August 24, 2021)              broadband coverage across the U.S. The map shows
                                                                        coverage  as  of  May  15,  2021.  Users  can  click  boxes
                         The  US  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)   to  show  the  coverage  of  each  of  the  nation’s  four

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