Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         The government is running a public consultation on a   seeks  input  on  the  components  of the  initiative,  the
                         multi-faceted project aimed at reducing the digital divide   project’s  beneficiaries,  the  environmental  and  social
                         by strengthening broadband infrastructure through the   management framework, the participation of interested
                         installation  of  open  fiber-optics,  mobile/wireless  and   parties, and the mechanisms for handling claims and
        Argentina        satellite  networks for  localities  not yet  connected,   complaints that may arise via the project. The program
                         the  installation  of four  data  centers  for state-owned   is the responsibility of the Directorate of Sectoral and
                         operator Arsat, and the promotion of digital skills, via   Special Programs and Projects (DIPROSE).
                         a  USD200  million  World  Bank  loan.  The  consultation,   (August 2, 2023) BN Americas
                         which is  open to submissions  until  14  September,

                         Following the  announcement  last  week that  NBN  Co   and  remote areas  have been  announced by the  Aus-
                         had submitted a revised variation proposal related to its   tralian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
                         Special Access Undertaking, the Australian Competition   In launching a consultation on its plans, the regulator
                         and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has now launched   revealed it is proposing to carry out two spectrum al-
        Australia        a consultation on  the matter.  In  announcing the start   location processes: one in the 3.4GHz-4.0GHz band in
                         of the consultation, ACCC Commissioner Anna Brakey   remote areas; and one in the 3.8GHz band in metro and
                         said:  ‘Our  preliminary view is  that  NBN  Co’s  revised   regional areas. The ACMA has suggested that spectrum
                         variation is a material improvement on its previous pro-  in the aforementioned bands is considered ideal for the
                         posal  … The revised  variation  appears  to address the   delivery of mobile broadband services including  5G,
                         concerns that led us to make a draft decision to reject   private networks and ‘other technologies’ with the avail-
                         the previous proposal. It also appears to respond appro-  able AWLs reportedly allowing for area-specific use. As
                         priately to the further issues that have arisen in recent   such, the watchdog has said it expects the licenses will
                         months.’  Before  issuing  a  final  decision,  however,  the   be taken up by ‘providers of wireless internet services,
                         ACCC has said it intends to assess the revised variation   or for private networks run by organizations such as ter-
                         against the statutory criteria and consider whether it is   tiary institutions, hospitals, mining operators or public
                         likely to promote the long-term interests of Australian   transport hubs. Applications from any party interested
                         consumers and businesses. Of further note, the regu-  in applying for an AWL in remote areas in the 3.4GHz-
                         lator has also stated that in its final assessment on the   4.0GHz  band  to  support  the  deployment  of services
                         matter it will consider submissions made in response to   are already being accepted by the ACMA. Meanwhile,
                         NBN Co’s two previous SAU proposals, alongside feed-  for accessing  area  wide  licenses  in  metropolitan  and
                         back gained in this most recent consultation paper.   regional areas, the regulator has said it will initially con-
                         (August 23, 2023)          sult  on  the  proposed  allocation  arrangements  for the
                                                                        3.8GHz band, looking at issues such as pricing, license
                         Plans to allocate a number of new area-wide licenses   tenure and renewal, technical requirements and alloca-
                         (AWLs)  which would  accommodate  more local area   tion limits.
                         mobile broadband  services  in  metropolitan,  regional   (July 6, 2023)

                         The Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting & Telecoms   has now been extended to 31 August. The RTR then ex-
                         (RTR) has extended the public consultation on the terms   pects to hold the auction for the 5G-suitable spectrum
                         and  conditions  for its  planned  auction of nationwide   in December at the earliest. Under the terms and con-
                         frequency usage rights in the 26GHz band and regional   ditions, the 26GHz spectrum will be divided up into five
        Austria          usage  rights  in  the  previously unassigned  3410MHz-  1×200MHz blocks, ranging from 26.5GHz-27.5GHz, and
                         3470MHz range, which went unsold for seven regions   one block of 1×400MHz (25.5GHz-25.9GHz), while the
                         in 2019. Interested parties were originally given until 8   3.6GHz spectrum is to be divided into seven regional
                         August to submit comments on the auction procedure   blocks, including two of 1×10MHz, one of 1×40MHz and
                         documents, ahead of their formal publication, but this   four of 1×60MHz. (July 28, 2023)

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