Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The  Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory   customers’ needs, including citizens, residents, and visitors, as well
        Authority (TDRA)  has  launched  the  generative AI-supported   as the business sector. The portal is connected and linked with all
        version of UAE Government’s Unified Digital Platform This   federal and local government websites, which facilitates visitors'
        is considered the interface of the government’s digital presence   access to the information and services they need. a single
        and  the  access  channel  to the  services  provided  by the  federal   letter domain name, which makes it simple and easy to memorize.
        and  local  government  entities  in  the  UAE.  This  step  comes in   The domain name reflects the UAE’s unique characteristics. The
        the context of an ambitious plan that includes a package of AI   letter U stands for the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It also refers to
        services that was launched by Talal Belhoul Al Falasi, Chairman of   the pronoun “you”, which reflects the focus of the UAE Government
        TDRA Board of Directors, and is being implemented successively   and its keenness to communicate with customers and listen to
        to keep pace with technological developments and enhance the   their needs. (July 13, 2023)
        customer experience.  The  generative  AI-supported  version  of
        UAE  Government’s  Unified  Digital  Platform  (  provides  an   The  Telecommunications and Digital  Government  Regulatory
        interactive environment that  allows users to obtain  information   Authority (TDRA) has launched a centralized interface to support
        and  government  services  in  an  interesting  and  interactive  way   government  entities  in  their  endeavors to leverage generative
        around the  clock. Anyone  can access all  the  information and   AI, which  enhances  their  ability  to provide  services  that  meet
        services available in the platform, using UAE Pass to switch to the   the  customers’  aspirations  in  the  era  of  speed  and  artificial
        website of another government entity.                  intelligence.  This  platform is  part  of the  ambitious  plan  that
        Smooth browsing: Using UAE Pass will ensure that users will not   includes  a package of AI services  launched  by Talal  Belhoul  Al
        need to repeat the registration process in more than one entity,   Falasi, Chairman of TDRA’s Board of Directors, and it included the
        nor will they need to memorize many passwords to shift between   upgraded version of the UAE Government’s unified digital portal
        government  websites,  but rather browse smoothly  and  easily, as well as the AI-supported FedNet. Moreover, this platform
        from one website to another. In this context, TDRA’s specialized   comes at a time of increasing demand for the use of ChatGPT and
        teams have re-presented the content in a way that facilitates the   other areas of generative AI to enhance productivity and efficiency
        customer journey and shortens the time for obtaining information   in  government  work. The  centralized  interface for generative  AI
        and services, which enhances customer happiness. The upgraded   services offers several advantages to government entities, most
        version of leverages generative AI algorithms to achieve live   importantly;  it  provides  an  approved  mechanism  for obtaining
        interaction  between  the  user  and  the  platform, while  ensuring   generative AI services, technical support related to the use of APIs
        privacy by using UAE Pass to log in the platform.      to benefit from generative AI solutions, as well as technical advice
        Digital presence: Eng Majed  Sultan  Al Mesmar,  TDRA  Director   related to various use cases in line with regulations and policies.
        General,  said:  “The  UAE  Government’s  Unified  Digital  Platform,   This  would support  government  entities’  endeavors in  using, represents the UAE’s digital presence. It is the most visited   such means to their greatest advantage, which would ultimately
        website  in  the  country, as  20  million  people  use  it  annually  to   reflect  on  the  happiness  of  customers  and  the  development  of
        search for information and services that they need in their daily   government performance. Commenting on  this interface, Majed
        lives.” He added: “With this vitality, the portal reflects the digital   Sultan Al Mesmar, TDRA Director-General, said, “In light of the rapid
        lifestyle  in  the  UAE,  where customers can obtain  their  services   technological  transformations, being  proactive and innovative
        through digital  channels,  and  access  the  information they want   is key to enhance efficiency and provide proactive solutions that
        through a one-stop shop linked to the websites of all federal and   contribute to enhancing  the  UAE’s  leadership  in  applying  the
        local government entities.” Al Mesmar added: “By introducing AI   concepts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, foremost of which
        into the  mechanisms  of, we have  taken  another  important   is  AI. We  have  developed  this  centralized  interface as  part  of
        step  towards  the  digital  future,  through embracing  the  latest   our strategy aimed at the implementation of ‘We the UAE 2031’
        technologies  to facilitate  the  lives  of customers and  enhance   vision, to develop the digital infrastructure according to the latest
        the  concept of interactive government  that  puts  the  customer   technological  methods,  establish  a Forward Ecosystem, and
        at  the  top of its  priorities  and  provides  an  easy  and  fast  user   provide the best government services and the best agile business
        experience. Online Service Index “ is a key element in the UAE   models to achieve results and efficiency. Al Mesmar stated that
        digital leadership, as it is included in international organizations   TDRA  has  a  comprehensive  plan  in  place  for the  government
        assessments of digital government development level, including   use of AI technologies in general, and generative AI in particular,
        the  UN  E-Government  Survey  in  which  the  UAE  ranked  first  the   which  includes  several  stages,  starting  from  the  official  UAE
        Arab region  and  the  13th  globally  in  the  development  of digital   Government  portal,  followed by FedNet  and others.  The  plan
        government. It also ranked first in the Arab region and 12th globally   is open to all innovative ideas that serve the higher goals of the
        in the Online Service Index.” is an embodiment of the Whole-  country, including  enhancing  economic  dynamics, facilitating
        of-Government  Approach, as  it  provides  access  to nearly  3,000   customers' lives,  increasing  happiness,  and  enhancing  the  UAE
        services  provided  by  all  federal  and  local  government  entities,   global competitiveness. (July 6, 2023)
        and contains thousands of information pages that cover all the

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