Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 108



        The Egyptian National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority is   Amr Talaat, Egypt’s Minister of Information and Communications
        considering licensing mobile operators to launch the eSIM service   Technology (ICT), attended the closing ceremony of the Artificial
        in the near future. This step comes after all telecom companies   Intelligence (AI) Capacity Building Initiative round one. The initiative
        have finished preparing their networks and conducting operational   was held on at Giza CREATIVA Innovation Hub, in collaboration
        tests, to ensure that the service is fully provided to customers in   with  the ICT Ministry and Dell Technologies  – Egypt, according
        the  local market.  The  National  Telecommunications Regulatory   to a press release. Batch one included 500 students from Cairo
        Authority is  scheduled  to announce, soon, the  details  of the   University,  Ain  Shams  University,  the  American University  in
        regulatory determinants and technical requirements for launching   Cairo (AUC), the German University in Cairo (GUC), as well as the
        the service in Egypt, to provide the latest technical and advanced   Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport
        solutions  to  improve  the  services  provided  to  mobile  users  in   (AASTMT).  During his  speech,  Talaat  noted  that  the  initiative
        Egypt. The eSIM service allows customers to keep the line without   focuses on the ICT field, particularly AI. He indicated that Egypt
        the need to put the traditional physical chip in their mobile devices,   held the seventh position on the Global AI Index by Tortoise Media.
        which contributes to saving the cost incurred by the customer to   The country also climbed 17 spots on the AI skills index. Talaat
        obtain services, and improves the customer's experience in using   highlighted the Arab Republic’s efforts to promote the deployment
        more than one line on the same mobile device. It also allows users   of AI. The country plans to establish a national council that brings
        to store multiple profiles on one device, with two or more numbers,   together key players in the AI industry. The Minister also underlined
        and switch between them without any hassle. According to data   that the key to success in the ICT field is harnessing technology
        from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,   to make  an  impact  and  tackle  society's  challenges  in  different
        the  number  of mobile  subscribers  reached  102.9  million  by  the   sectors. Talaat pointed out that the Ministry develops CREATIVA
        end of April 2023, compared to 96.27 million subscribers during   Innovation Hubs to boost the ICT sector, adding that six hubs were
        the same month last year, with an annual growth rate of 6.78%,   initially established, and in two years, there were 12 hubs. By the
        and compared to 102.77 million subscribers in March of this year,   end of 2023, there will be 20 hubs across 20 governorates in the
        with a monthly growth rate of 0.13 %. (August 16, 2023)  African country, according to the Minister. (July 26, 2023)


        The  Minister  of  Telecommunications  and  representatives  from   product, with the minister highlighting the government’s goal of
        SpaceX met  to discuss  the  introduction of the  latter’s  Starlink   improving service quality  and  offering  services at  the  lowest
        satellite-based  communications  services in  Iraq.  The  parties   possible prices.  (July 17, 2023) Shafaq News
        discussed  the  technical,  legal  and  security elements  of such a


        Jordan  celebrated  “Jordan  IPv6  National  Day”,  a  stepping   that  surpasses  other  countries.  This  achievement  was made
        stone towards its digital future. Co-hosted by the RIPE Network   possible by the close cooperation between the RIPE NCC, TRC, and
        Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) and Jordan's Telecommunications   mobile operators in Jordan. At the inaugural ceremony, Dr. Nael
        Regulatory  Commission  (TRC),  the  event  marks  an  emblematic   Adwan, TRC vice chairman of the board of commissioners, stated,
        achievement  in  implementing  the  Internet  Protocol version   "Today, we announce Jordan as an IPv6-enabled country. While we
        6  (IPv6)  countrywide.  The  National  IPv6 Day equips  mobile   are at the onset, we are relentless in our pursuit to ensure future
        operators, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and a broad spectrum   readiness." He further assured the audience of TRC's commitment
        of Internet stakeholders with the technical acumen necessary for   to fulfilling Jordan's digital aspirations by facilitating the transition
        a seamless IPv6 deployment. This initiative by TRC and RIPE NCC   to a robust  digital  economy  equipped with  advanced network
        aims at highlighting the significance of IPv6 for bolstering Internet   technologies  such  as  IPv6.  In  his  opening  address,  Dr.  Chafic
        security and economic growth. Jordan is currently leading in IPv6   Chaya, Public Policy and  Government  Affairs Regional  Manager
        connectivity in the region with exceptional speed and performance   at  the  RIPE  NCC,  applauded  Jordan's  progressive  initiatives

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