Page 111 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 111


                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The  Communications,  Space, and  Technology Commission   regulators. It also highlights future opportunities and technologies
        (CST) invites the public to submit their input on the "Space Data   contributing to the development of radiocommunication and space
        Regulations Platform and Application Document for Obtaining a   services. Additionally, the plan includes a roadmap for the planned
        Permit to provide a Space Data Platform Services", which aims to   regulatory  documents  CST  aims  to release  in  order  to enable
        establish the regulatory environment of Space sector, and attract   space radio services. CST emphasizes that the outlook is driven
        investments to contribute in GDP growth, as well as increase the   by its mandate in regulating space radio services and its future
        effectiveness of space data governance. CST stated that through   vision regarding the trends in the market for radiocommunication
        the publication of these two documents, it aims to license an entity   services in the kingdom. (August 17, 2023)
        that  undertakes the  establishment  of a platform that  acts  as  a
        marketplace for space data, to collect and process the space data   In pursuit of Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision which puts sustainability
        received from satellite operators. such as satellite images, remote   as  one  of its  pillars  in  elevating  the  Kingdom’s  future,  The
        sensing  data,  orbital  data,  weather  data,  and  astronomy data.   Communications, Space and  Technology Commission  (CST)
        Moreover, the  platform connects  satellite  operators, developers   published  the  2nd  edition  of the  "ICT and  Space Sustainability
        of technical solutions and applications, researchers, and entities   in  Saudi  Arabia" Report  in  collaboration  with  the  Ministry of
        wishing  to obtain  solutions  based  on space  data.   CST also   Communications and  Information  Technology (MCIT)  and
        outlined  that  the  "Application  Document for Obtaining  a  Permit   the  International  Telecommunication Union (ITU).  The  digital
        to provide  a Space Data  Platform Services"  includes  guidelines   infrastructure,  ICT  and  Space sector plays  an  essential  role  in
        and requirements for entities interested to acquire the license, as   enabling other sectors, hence the report features CST’s endeavors
        well as obligations of relevant parties to ensure user rights and   in  achieving  collaborative  digital  regulation,  and  a  sustainable
        data security. CST calls on all relevant parties and stakeholders   digital economy. By adopting the (C.I.R.C.L.E.) roadmap the report
        to provide their comments, observations and suggestions on the   reflects  CST  efforts  in  bridging  the  digital  divide,  providing  ICT
        documents, emphasizing  its  commitment to transparency  and   services in remote areas, increasing reliance on renewable energy
        clarity in engaging all relevant entities. (August 27, 2023)  sources, and raising recycling rates. In addition to supporting R&D
                                                               and  investment in  emerging  technologies, enabling smart  cities
        The  Communications, Space and  Technology Commission   and innovative solutions, as well as diversifying job opportunities.
        (CST)  invites  the  public  to submit  their  input  on  the  "Space   The report shed light on 12 interesting success stories from over
        Radiocommunication Services  Outlook",  which aims  to enable   34  entities  adopted  digital  solutions  to support  the  Sustainable
        space radio services and study the  key trends  and needs  of   Development Goals (SDGs). The report also emphasized the most
        manufacturers, operators, and users. Moreover, it aims to ensure   notable achievements in digital sustainability for 2022, such as the
        optimal  utilization  of spectrum and  meet  the  requirements  of   first global successful trail of 5G technology using HAPS networks,
        innovative space technologies. The CST indicates that the outlook   the launch of the Emerging Technologies Sandbox, the launch of
        includes  an  analysis  of the  current  situation  of space radio   the "Recycle Your Device" initiative to recycle e-waste. As well as
        services in the Kingdom, the most prominent global trends in the   increasing women's participation in the ICT sector, and investment
        field  of  space  services,  and  the  challenges  faced  by  spectrum   in space sector. (July 31, 2023)


        The  telecoms  watchdog the  National  Telecommunications   out rules for sharing access to infrastructure, which would also
        Authority  (Instance  Nationale  des  Telecommunications, INT)   be  made  mandatory  by  the  regulations. The  draft  decision  also
        has published for consultation a draft decision on guidelines for   includes proposed economic conditions, including requirements
        the  deployment  of  fiber  infrastructure.  The  decision  highlights   to  provide  prices  for  three  categories  of  service:  fiber  optic
        the importance of fiber networks in achieving the government’s   access services; access to civil engineering facilities; and mobile
        targets  of  narrowing  the  digital  divide  and  improving  access  to   backhaul services. The INT’s view is that there should be pricing
        high quality broadband services. The new rules aim to encourage   differentiation  between  active  and  passive  access tariffs, but
        efficient  investment  in  fiber  networks  in  part  by  encouraging   that pricing should not be a significant economic hinderance to
        shared usage of such infrastructure. As such, the decision sets   operators. (August 24, 2023)

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