Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                         The  National  Telecommunications Agency (Anatel)   from  BRL167  million  to BRL227  million.  The  new
                         has  readjusted  the  values  of  the  country’s  fixed   values represent the price that an operator must pay if
                         switched telephone services (servicos de telefonia fixa   it wishes to leave the concession regime and migrate
                         comutada, STFC) concessions. The value of Oi’s STFC   to  an  authorization  model.  The  companies  will  not
                         concession has increased from BRL12.1 billion (USD2.5   disburse the money to the government, but will assume
                         billion)  to BRL19.9  billion,  with  the  new price split   network  investment  commitments  equivalent  to the
                         between  legacy concessionaires  Telemar (BRL13.4   given amount. The concessionaires now have 120 days
                         billion) and Brasil Telecom (BRL6.5 billion). The value   within which to notify Anatel of their final decisions. All
                         of Vivo’s concession has increased from BRL7.7 billion   concessions are currently scheduled to run until 2025;
                         to BRL8.7 billion, while Claro’s has climbed from BRL2.2   if  a  telco  switches  to  the  authorization  model, a  new
                         billion to BRL4.1 billion and Algar Telecom’s has jumped   concessionaire will be sought for its operating region.
                         from  BRL275  million  to BRL579  million.  Finally, the   (July 25, 2023) TeleSintese
                         value of Sercomtel’s  concession has  been  readjusted

                         The  Telecommunications Regulation  and  Control   plans  to release  spectrum in  the  700MHz,  2.3GHz,
                         Agency (ARCT)  has  published  its  roadmap for the   2.5GHz,  3.5GHz  and  26GHz  bands,  with  the  granting
                         deployment of 5G services in the country, setting out a   of authorizations to test 5G scheduled to take place in
                         target of July 2024 for the introduction of commercial   January 2024. Whilst the details are still to be decided,
        Burundi          services.  The  ARCT  notes  that  the  availability  of   the roadmap notes that ‘Depending on the availability
                         frequencies  is  a major  issue  for the  development  of
                                                                        of the spectrum and the needs of the market, the ARCT
                         5G and that the successful deployment of 5G requires   may  set  up  a  mechanism  [e.g.  auction]  for  selecting
                         the  timely  availability  of  sufficient  spectrum  under   candidates  for  the  use  of  the  spectrum  predefined
                         appropriate conditions. It plans to assign a continuous   in  advance.’  Backed  by  a  public awareness  program
                         band of 60MHz-100MHz in the sub-6GHz bands along   outlining  the  benefits  of  5G  (which  is  slated  to  begin
                         with  at  least  800MHz  of millimeter  wave  (mmWave)   in August 2023), commercial services are expected to
                         spectrum above 6GHz. In December 2023 the regulator   launch in July 2024. (July 4, 2023)

                         The  telecoms  watchdog the  Regulatory Authority for   of understanding (MoU) signed between the regulator
                         Electronic Communications  and Post  (L’Autorite de   and  the providers in  July  2021.  The  pair agreed  to
                         Regulation des Communications Electroniques et des   invest XAF29 billion (Airtel) and XAF27 billion (Moov) in
                         Postes, ARCEP) has ordered Airtel Chad to pay a fine of   network development over the subsequent three years,
        Chad             XAF5 billion (USD8.3 million) for failing to meet quality   following  complaints  from customers regarding  the
                                                                        poor service quality from the operators. As part of the
                         of service (QoS) standards. ARCEP had conducted an
                         audit on the QoS of the mobile networks of cellcos Airtel   MoU, ARCEP established a new committee to monitor
                         Chad  and  Moov  Africa Chad  and  found  a  ‘noticeable   the investments and the impact on service quality. After
                         deterioration  in  quality’ for  Airtel’s services, whilst   the first year, the regulator found that the results were
                         Moov’s  network  had  seen  a  ‘marked  improvement’  in   below expectations  and  urged  the  cellcos to comply
                         cities but coverage of main roads remained ‘mediocre’.   with their commitments and improve QoS.
                         The audit was conducted in line with a memorandum   (August 21, 2023)

                         Chinese industry watchdog the Ministry of Industry and   dated framework also include additional regulatory sup-
                         Information Technology (MIIT) has issued new regula-  port for satellite communications, with the addition of
                         tions on radio frequency allocation, which will take ef-  rules for maritime mobile satellite services and mobile
                         fect from 1 July 2023. The rules update China’s nation-  satellite services on the 150MHz and 400MHz bands,
        China            al  frequency plan,  designating  spectrum in  the  6GHz,   and  the  17.7GHzGHz-19.7GHz  and  27.5GHz-29.5GHz
                         26GHz, 40GHz and 70GHz bands for International Mo-
                                                                        ranges for satellite earth stations. In addition, the MIIT
                         bile Telecommunications (IMT) services, including 5G   notes that the regulations ensure the safety of frequen-
                         and  6G  technologies.  The  MIIT  claims  that  the  move   cy use for major aerospace projects, by providing clar-
                         makes China the first country in the world to allocate   ity on interference protection for certain radio services
                         the 6GHz band for IMT systems, adding that it promotes   including earth exploration satellite services, space re-
                         the consistent regional and global frequency allocation   search and radio astronomy.
                         in that band, and provides sufficient mid-band spectrum   (June 28, 2023)
                         resources for the development of 5G and 6G. The up-
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