Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting & Telecoms 1×200MHz blocks, ranging from 26.5GHz-27.5GHz, and
(RTR) has published for public consultation the terms one block of 1×400MHz (25.5GHz-25.9GHz), while the
and conditions for its planned auction of nationwide 3.6GHz spectrum is divided into seven regional blocks,
frequency usage rights in the 26GHz band and regional including two of 1×10MHz, one of 1×40MHz and four of
usage rights in the previously unassigned 3410MHz- 1×60MHz. The RTR then expects to hold the auction for
3470MHz range, which went unsold for seven regions the 5G-suitable spectrum in December at the earliest.
in 2019. The 26GHz spectrum is divided up into five (July 5, 2023)
Following extensive consultations, telecoms March had ‘proven the prima facie existence of an abuse
regulator the Belgian Institute for Postal Services of dominance by Proximus resulting from the takeover
and Telecommunications (BIPT) has assigned of edpnet’. As a result, it believes that interim measures
spectrum in the 28GHz and 70GHz/80GHz bands are urgently required ‘so as to avoid a situation which
Belgium to the country’s mobile network operators (MNOs) could harm the general economic interest, should the
for the use of radio relay links. Citymesh Mobile has acquisition of edpnet by Proximus become irreversible’.
been allocated frequencies in the 28GHz band, while Proximus’s EUR20.5 million (USD22.3 million) offer to
70GHz/80GHz spectrum was awarded to Proximus, buy edpnet was sanctioned by the Enterprise Court of
Orange Belgium,Telenet, Citymesh Mobile and Network Dendermonde in March, after the independent ISP had
Research Belgium (NRB). The operators are expected to filed for bankruptcy protection the previous October.
use the frequencies for 5G backhaul. The interim measures require Proximus to maintain the
(July 3, 2023) viability and competitiveness of edpnet; to segregate the
activities of the two companies under the supervision
The Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) has imposed of a manager designed by Proximus amongst the staff
provisional measures to ensure the operational and of edpnet; and to ensure that Proximus does not obtain
commercial autonomy of edpnet during the watchdog’s any confidential information pertaining to edpnet. The
ex officio investigation into the ISP’s acquisition by full- measures will be applicable for a period of at least
service operator Proximus. In its decision announced 15 months, with compliance to be monitored by an
last Thursday, the BCA said the review opened on 21 independent trustee. (June 26, 2023)
The Ministry of Public Works, Services and Housing BOB112 million (USD15.8 million). As per Resolucion
(Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Servicios y Vivienda, Ministerial No. 174, dated 9 September 2022, the
MOPSV) has reportedly suspended a resolution Bolivian government modified the National Frequency
designed to assign spectrum in the 3.5GHz band for Plan by designating the 3.3GHz-3.6GHz band for 5G
Bolivia 5G mobile use. Media refers to the intervention as a mobile use. The spectrum was divided up as follows:
‘temporary cessation’ and explains that the tender was 3300MHz-3350MHz (A1), 3350MHz-3400MHz (A2),
expected to issue three spectrum blocks for mobile use, 3400MHz-3450MHz (B1), 3450MHz-3500MHz (B2),
with a further two blocks set aside for the creation of 3500MHz-3550MHz (C1) and 3550MHz-3600MHz (C2).
a telecoms operator with majority state participation. (August 2, 2023) BN Americas
The price for each 50MHz block was established at
The General Superintendence of the Administrative the deal was announced. The Vero and AmericaNet
Council for Economic Defence (Conselho Administrativo agreed to merge their respective operations on 11 July
de Defesa Economica, CADE) has approved the proposed 2023. Vero will absorb AmericaNet by acquiring the
merger between Brazilian ISPs Vero and AmericaNet entire shareholding of the latter’s direct parent company,
Brazil ‘without restrictions. The decision was published in the Meppel. In return, Meppel will be granted a 44% stake in
the enlarged entity. As per 2Q23 data, Vero ranks as the
Official Gazette on 4 August. If there are no objections/
appeals within the next 15 days, the approval will be seventh-largest ISP in Brazil (817,395 subscriptions),
maintained. Going forward, the merger now needs to be while AmericaNet is eleventh (611,053 subscriptions).
approved by the National Telecommunications Agency The enlarged entity will jump to fifth place in the fixed
(Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel). The broadband market.
regulatory review was opened on 18 July, one week after (August 7, 2023) TeleSintese
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