Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                         regulator informed the public that services ‘will remain   director of telecoms industry body Asetel (Asociacion
                         in operation, uninterrupted and without prejudice to the   de  Empresas  de  Telecomunicaciones  de  Ecuador),
                         contractual  terms  with  telephone  operators  while  the   has  recommended that  the  operators’  concessions
                         renegotiation process progresses. The announcement   should  be  extended  pending  the  conclusion of the
                         follows Arcotel Resolution 2023-0097 of 25 May, which   negotiations. ‘Every day that passes without the State
                         suspended the negotiations for 120 days to enable the   speeding up the process for negotiations the renewal of
                         regulator to complete various procedures, most notably   mobile concession, the country and Ecuadorians lose,’
                         a valuation of spectrum bands in partnership with the   she said, adding: ‘Companies need legal certainty, this
                         ITU.  In  January  2021  the  government  confirmed  that   is not a good sign for foreign investment.’ According to
                         it had received the ITU’s technical assessment of the   ARCOTEL’s latest market report, Conecel had 9.16 million
                         2.5GHz and 700MHz bands, enabling Arcotel to begin   mobile subscriptions at 31 March 2023, equivalent to a
                         negotiation  with  Otecel  and  Conecel  the  following   51.9% share of the market, while second-placed Otecel
                         August. However, it revealed at the time that a similar   claimed 5.20 million subscriptions (30.7%).
                         valuation  of the  3.5GHz,  850MHz,  900MHz  AWS and   (July 7, 2023)
                         1900MHz spectrum was still pending. Patricia Falconi,

                         The  Electricity  and  Telecommunications  Superinten-  maximum operating limits of the devices, limiting their
                         dency  (Superintendencia  General  de  Electricidad  y   use to indoors, while prohibiting their implementation
                         Telecom,  SIGET)  has  officially  awarded  mobile  spec-  in vehicles such as cars, trains, ships and aircraft. Else-
                         trum in  the  1755MHz-1770MHz/2155MHz-2170MHz   where in Latin America, things aren’t quite as upbeat for
        El Salvador      (Extended  AWS) frequency range  to  Telefonica  Mo-  Wi-FI proponents. Honduran telecommunications regu-
                         viles  El Salvador (Movistar).  A total  of 30MHz  was   lator Conatel has launched a public consultation on a
                         put  up  for auction  in  February,  divided  up  into  three   draft resolution to modify the national frequency plan
                         blocks  of 2×5MHz:  1755MHz-1760MHz/2155MHz-   in relation to the 6GHz band. In 2021 1200MHz of spec-
                         2160MHz,   1760MHz-1765MHz/2160MHz-2165MHz,    trum between 5925MHz and 7125MHz was provisioned
                         and  1765MHz-1770MHz/2165MHz-2170MHz,  follow-  for local area networking using Wi-Fi 6E standards. Now
                         ing a request from Movistar, although it is understood   the regulator seems inclined to change the allocation
                         that the mobile network operator (MNO) was the only   of the entire 6GHz band to only the 5925MHz-6425MHz
                         company to submit an application to participate in the   range. The document, available on the regulator's web-
                         spectrum allocation  process.  The  minimum bid  price   site,  has  been  made  available  for public  consultation
                         for the frequencies, which are valid for 20 years, was   until 12 July. Allocation of 6GHz spectrum has been a
                         USD21.66 million. (July 27, 2023)  major talking point in many countries in recent months.
                                                                        We reported in February that Brazilian regulator Anatel
                         SIGET, the telecommunications regulating agency in El   had enabled broadband providers to tap into the 6GHz
                         Salvador,  has  issued  a  new  resolution  which  aligns  it   spectrum band unlicensed for the next decade, boost-
                         with the growing number of countries that have com-  ing Wi-Fi in that country. Also in February we took a look
                         pletely freed up the 6GHz band for use in WiFi 6E net-  at  the  ongoing  tussle  between  Wi-Fi  and  cellular  in  a
                         works. The resolution classifies the entire 6GHz band   number of countries for use of 6GHz spectrum.
                         (5.925 to 7.125 MHz) as free use, a boost for Wi-Fi in the   (July 13, 2023)
                         country. However, the  resolution  also  establishes  the

                         The  Consumer Protection  and  Technical  Regulatory   grant  of EUR160,000.  Around 100  new high-speed
                         Authority (Tarbijakaitse  ja  Tehnilise  Jarelevalve   connections  will  be  deployed  in  villages  in  unserved
                         Amet,  TTJA) has  allocated  funding  of EUR800,000   areas, the regulator says, with network construction to
                         (USD884,000)  for  the  rollout  of  rural  fixed  broadband   be completed by mid-2025 at the latest.
        Estonia          infrastructure.  A  total  of eight  applications  were   (July 28, 2023)
                         received, of which five received funding, with an average

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