Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
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                                                                            REGUL                      SAMENA TRENDS

                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        The  Ministry  of Communications  and  Information  Technology   total of AFN365 million (USD4.2 million) and cover the deployment
        (MCIT) has signed contracts with cellcos MTN Afghanistan and   of mobile networks in 33 remote areas of the Kandahar, Nuristan,
        Afghan  Wireless  Communication Company (AWCC)  to extend   Badakhshan,  Uruzgan, Zabul,  Kunar, Nangarhar and  Kabul
        coverage  to unserved  communities.  The  contracts  are  worth  a   provinces. (June 23, 2023)


        Algeria’s  Minister  of Post  and  Telecommunications  Karim  Bibi-  population – lacking telecoms network coverage, prompting a call
        Triki has announced details of government objectives to improve   for service provider tenders and the signing of a ministerial decree
        telecoms network coverage in border areas and ten administrative   related to the planned connection of these sites under a universal
        districts  in  the  south of the  country which were recently  given   service  program.  The  Minister  has  this  week  visited  several
        the  status  of provinces  (wilayas).  Mr.  Bibi-Triki  highlighted  that   border locations where new 4G mobile base stations have been
        a survey carried out in the second half of 2022 identified 1,400   commissioned, including  new  network sites  provided  by state-
        settlements  or geographical  areas  –  each  with  less  than  2,000   backed Algerie Telecom Mobile (Mobilis). (June 27, 2023)


        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  (TRA)  Bahrain  is   stated “Young people are more vulnerable to online threats during   Draft
        working to raise awareness among young people, their parents,   the  summer vacation. It  is  crucial  for  us to safeguard users'
        and teachers of potential online dangers, including cyberbullying,   security  and  online  privacy, especially  considering  the  growing
        and ways they can minimize risk. The TRA’s Online Safety Initiative   use  of smartphones  and  social  media  amongst  young  people.
        builds  on the  successful  Cyber Safety  program conducted in   Educational institutions play a significant role in raising student
        November 2022 to further encourage responsible ICT usage. The   awareness about the potential threats and risks associated with
        TRA, in  collaboration  with  the  International  Telecommunication   the  use  of the  Internet.  Developing  a cyberbullying prevention
        Union's  (ITU)  Global  Program on  Child  Online  Protection,  has   program, in accordance with society's cultural characteristics and
        worked closely to highlight the importance of this key issue. The   education system, is an influential factor in the effectiveness of
        Child  Online  Protection  training  sessions,  aimed  at  enlightening   the program. Students, administrations, parents, and community
        educators and youth organizations on how to safeguard children   members must  be  aware  of  and  educated  about  cyberbullying
        and  educate them about their  online  rights,  were held  with  the   to curb  this  pressing  issue.” She  added  “As part  of the  Cyber
        participation of over 300 educators across the Kingdom of Bahrain   Safety Program, additional training sessions targeting youths of
        from both private and public schools. The program gave educators   different age groups will be conducted in the new academic year
        deeper insight into online risks and how to create a safer online   to continually raise awareness of online safety.”
        school experience for students. Moreover, it assisted educators   (August 7, 2023)
        in  identifying  the  types  of threats  that  children  encounter  when
        exploring the digital world, such as cyberbullying, misinformation,   The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority (TRA),  in
        and inappropriate content. Educators also discovered preventive   collaboration with the Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination
        measures  to mitigate  potential  online  threats  and  built  on  their   Centre (RIP E NCC), held a three-day capacity-building workshop in
        knowledge of how to respond to and disclose an issue if students   the Kingdom of Bahrain on the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
        are harmed online. Acting Manager of Online Safety, May Alghatam,   and BGP “Border gateway protocol” operations and security. The

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