Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 88


        Bahrain enjoys lowest fiber broadband Prices in GCC

        Fiber broadband  plans offered  by  the
        operators in  Bahrain  have the lowest
        charges in the GCC, says a study conducted
        by    Bahrain's   Telecommunications
        Regulatory  Authority (TRA). In  addition,
        Bahrain's telecom operators compete on a
        regional and Arab level for mobile services,
        particularly  in  charges of  the high-usage
        packages.  Bahrain's  fixed  broadband
        charges for high speeds have been reduced
        by 67% between 2019 and 2021, according
        to the study.  With  an  average mobile
        broadband  usage  at 28GB per  month,
        at  high  usage levels of 10GB  and more,
        Bahrain  is  more competitive than other
        GCC countries. As a result of the reduced
        broadband prices and the continued fiber
        rollout,  the  number  of  homes  with  fiber
        broadband  has increased  substantially.
        Based on the latest market data, 65% of
        households in Bahrain have fiber broadband
        services, compared to 42% in 2019, noting
        an increase of subscriptions  by  34%.
        Additionally, TRA’s latest Residential Market
        Survey report on telecoms services shows
        that  100% of respondents  have  reported
        using  the Internet,  indicating  Bahrain’s
        growing affordability  of  Internet services.
        Commenting on the findings of the study,
        TRA’s  General Director, Philip  Marnick
        stated: “We all want good quality broadband   TRA's  role in  boosting  competition  is   –  so  all  fiber  in  the  kingdom  is  from  the
        at an affordable price. It is essential for the   evident in the reduction of charges, through   same provider – which offers a variety of
        TRA to be able to monitor price changes   working on significant projects, such as the   fiber products to the operators in Bahrain,
        and analyze the impact of competition   establishment of the National Broadband   which enables them to provide advanced
        on the telecom  services we  all  use.  “The   Network, Bahrain Network (BNET) in 2019   broadband services at competitive prices.”

        National  Cybersecurity Authority  Launches  CyberIC  to  Develop  Sector  in

        Saudi Arabia

        The CyberIC program is designed to develop   the second  version  of the cybersecurity   cybersecurity  trainers, fresh graduates,
        the skills of more than 10,000 Saudis and   challenge  and offer programs for chief   cybersecurity  specialists  and  law
        stimulate the wider domestic cybersecurity   information security officers in cooperation   enforcement agencies. It will support the
        sector in  line with  international  best   with prestigious international universities in   growth of the cybersecurity industry in the
        practices. The first phase of the program   the field. To ensure participants are ready to   Kingdom by helping more than 60 national
        includes  a  number  of initiatives, such as   confront the most significant cybersecurity   cybersecurity startups. Forty have already
        providing training for employees of national   challenges, the program offers courses that   been launched, while the other 20 will be
        authorities  working  in cybersecurity   include virtual exercises that simulate real   established  through  the cybersecurity
        and  related  fields  and  accelerating   cyberattacks and incidents. The program is   challenge.
        cybersecurity  activities to  stimulate  the   based on six main tracks: innovation and
        sector.  It  will  also  include  the launch of   entrepreneurship,  cybersecurity  officers,

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