Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 114


        NTIA Releases Implementation Plan for National Spectrum Strategy

        The National Telecommunications and Information Administration
        has released the implementation plan for the Biden administration’s
        National Spectrum Strategy, which aims to kick off working groups
        on three candidate bands this month and have technical work to
        be completed by the end of next year. The implementation plan
        sets  out times  lines  milestones  and responsible  agencies  for
        study of 2,786 megahertz of spectrum that was identified in the
        NSS, which was released last November. NTIA noted that part of
        what will be studied is whether airborne radars and other federal
        systems in the lower 3 GHz band could be repacked, compressed
        or relocated to allow commercial user of the band—which may be
        encouraging to wireless operators who would like to see additional
        full-power access  in  3  GHz  airwaves,  rather  than  an  extension
        of the lower-power, shared CBRS framework. “The U.S. is in the
        midst  of an  intense  competition  for global  leadership  in  the
        wireless  space,” said  Alan Davidson, who is  Assistant Secretary
        of Commerce for communications  and  information as  well  as
        NTIA administrator. “The Implementation Plan offers a roadmap
        to realize the vision of the National Spectrum Strategy and meet
        the global challenge before us.” However, the implementation plan
        is reflective of the massive amount of collaboration that needs to
        be done to assess and potentially clear a band of federal users or
        share a band, rather than a straight path to additional spectrum
        allocations. While a final report and recommendations on the first
        candidate band are expected to be delivered as soon as November
        of this year, that band is 37 GHz, rather than a lower frequency
        that  would  be  more  attractive  for propagation  purposes.  Final
        reports and recommendations on the lower 3 GHz and spectrum
        in the upper midband at 7-8 GHz aren’t expected until late 2026.
        And of course,  action  on any recommendations on reallocation
        and auction of additional spectrum would require that Congress   many competing interests on behalf of all Americans.” “We hope to
        reinstate the FCC’s auction authority. “We are encouraged by the   see diverse industry engagement in this process and look forward
        Administration’s National Spectrum Strategy Implementation Plan,   to supporting the NTIA’s work expediting delivery of the 37 GHz
        which comes at a crucial time as America continues to trail other   to market, focusing on Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, and creating
        countries in freeing up mid-band spectrum for 5G networks,” said   a long-term  collaboration  framework  for  engaging  with  public
        Meredith Atwell-Baker, CTIA’s president and CEO. “We are pleased   stakeholders,” said Tamara Smith, spokesperson for avocacy group
        to see the Administration restore NTIA leadership over spectrum   Spectrum for the Future, which represents a number of players in
        studies, right the course on the lower 3 GHz band, and set up a   cable, private  wireless  and  spectrum-sharing enablement.  “That
        critical review of the 7/8 GHz band. It is vital that the Administration   said, a multi-year, multi-stakeholder analysis has already confirmed
        now move quickly to start these  studies  as we need  decisive   that sharing the lower 3 GHz is possible. Additional study of the
        action  on  reallocating  spectrum to secure  our global  economic   band for exclusive, high-power use will only delay the inevitable
        competitiveness  and  innovation  leadership.  We  look forward  to   finding that this band should be made available on a shared basis.
        working closely with the Administration, NTIA, FCC, DoD, Congress,   The Defense Department has warned that to do otherwise would
        and other stakeholders to take the necessary steps to build the   cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and take decades to
        spectrum pipeline  America needs.”  The  National  Spectrum   complete, so it is unfortunate to see this process being dragged
        Consortium  (NSC)  called  the  implementation  plan  “robust”  in   out further,” Smith added in emailed remarks. Meanwhile, Senate
        emailed comments and added: “Approaching spectrum policy as a   Republicans  preempted  the  release  of the  implementation  plan
        zero-sum game will no longer work. As we continue to digitize our   with the release of a new bill yesterday, which would require NTIA
        infrastructure, spectrum is an increasingly important resource to   to identify at least 2,500 megahertz of midband spectrum between
        a number of industries and federal agencies alike. NTIA is taking   1.3 GHz-13.2 GHz that could be reallocated for commercial use
        on a huge challenge to set up the wireless future of this country,   and stipulates that at least half of the identified spectrum must
        and this plan lays out a collaborative, innovative path to navigate   allow for “full power commercial licensed use cases.”

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