Page 111 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 111


        European Commission Approves Orange–MásMóvil Merger

        After an in-depth investigation was opened
        into  the  potential  transaction  in  April
        last  year,  the  European  Commission  has
        approved  the  creation  of a 50:50  joint
        venture (JV) between France’s Orange and
        Spain’s MásMóvil.   The JV’s approval was
        conditional on Romania’s Digi (the largest
        MVNO  in Spain) acquiring spectrum from
        MásMóvil in order to become a new fourth
        mobile  operator.    The  initial  investigation
        was concerned that the transaction would
        restrict  market  competition  by  creating
        the  largest  operator in  Spain  in  terms of
        customers and  reducing  the  number of
        players  in  the  market  from four to  three.
        To  combat these  concerns, Digi,  which
        also has operations in Portugal, Italy, and
        Belgium,  finalized  a  spectrum  transfer
        agreement  with  the  two  Spanish  firms  in
        December last year, worth €120 million. The
        spectrum acquired  is  set  to be  2x10MHz
        in  the  1,800MHz  band,  2x10MHz  in  the   parties  will  enable  Digi,  the  largest  and   Consumer and Connectivity at CCS Insight,
        2.1GHz  band, and 20MHz  in  the 3.5GHz   fastest-growing  mobile  virtual  network   warned that the deal’s approval will mean
        band. As  a result  of this,  Digi can take   operator in  Spain,  to replicate  the  strong   the  spotlight  is  turned towards  Vodafone
        the place of a fourth MNO in the Spanish   competitive pressure exerted by MásMóvil,”   and Three in the UK.   “Both parties will hope
        market, providing a solution to the market’s   EU antitrust  chief  Margrethe  Vestager   that the news represents a shift in position
        competition problem.  Orange CEO Christel   said in the announcement’s press release.    from the region’s  regulators as  they seek
        Heydemann has emphasized that the deal   “They will ensure that consumers in Spain   approval to combine,” he said in a LinkedIn
        will  allow increased  scale,  innovation,   continue  to  benefit  from  a  competitive   post, but warned that the UK Competition
        and investment in Spain as a result of the   telecom market, in terms of prices, quality   and Markets Authority will not be won over
        “stronger  and  more  sustainable”  unified   and  5G connectivity,” she  continued.    easily.
        player.  “The commitments offered by the   However, Kester  Mann,  Director of

        Ofcom Probes Virgin Media Over Landline Migration

        Across the UK – and, indeed, across many   to review their processes. Ofcom has gone   smoothly and are following best practices.
        parts of the world – steps are being taken   one step further, launching an investigation   “Last December we signed a Government-
        to migrate customers away from traditional   into Virgin Media to examine whether they   led  charter  and have  paused  all  landline
        analogue  landlines  to IP-based  digital   have been  treating  vulnerable  customers   migrations,  carried  out  an  end-to-end
        landline services. While for the vast majority   appropriately. “This investigation relates to   review and will make further improvements
        of customers this process will cause little   concerns about Virgin Media’s compliance   to the measures we already have in place
        disruption,  for  a number of vulnerable   with  two areas,”  explained  the  regulator   before switchovers restart,” said  the
        customers who rely  more  heavily  on the   in  a  statement.  “First,  our rules  require   company in a statement. “While telecoms
        older system,  the  switch  could be  more   that Virgin Media must take all necessary   companies like us have a crucial role to play
        problematic. Perhaps  the  largest  issue  is   measures  to ensure uninterrupted access   in this switchover activity, it’s essential that
        related to IP-based services reliance on a   to emergency  organizations.  Second,   telecare  companies  and  local  authorities
        consistent  power supply; if power  supply   our rules  also  require  that  Virgin  Media   also step up and meet their responsibilities
        is  disrupted,  such  as  during  a  storm,  this   establish and comply with effective policies   to ensure  everyone  receives  the  support
        can leave customers unable  to contact   and procedures for the fair and appropriate   they need. We’re cooperating fully with the
        emergency services. Concerns related  to   treatment of vulnerable consumers.” Virgin   regulator’s  investigation  and  will  continue
        these issues saw Ofcom call on operators to   Media  defended  itself,  saying  it  has  been   to work closely with the rest of the industry
        pause their landline migration process back   working with  Ofcom and  the  government   and other parties.”
        in December last year, asking the operators   to  ensure  the  switch-over  takes  place

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